Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Introduction - What Is The Idol Fellowship

Hello everyone. My name is chua, and this is my first attempt at blogging.

I'm not revealing too much about me yet, but suffice to say, I'm a fan of Malaysian Idol, Akademi Fantasia and American Idol.

Shortly after Fantasia Barrino became the third AI, I was encouraged by some of my colleagues to write fan fiction about AF, AI and MI.

This whole thing came about after I had a dream while I was sick in bed one weekend.

The Idol Fellowship is not a club, but a gathering of AF 12s, MI 12s and top 3s of each AI season. That means, 45 people.

And of course, Nemo, the magical Persian cat who belongs to AF season one's second placer Khairul Nizam Wahi (Khai).

Nemo is a magical cat. If any AF, MI or AI member strokes him, he can bring them wherever they want to go.

Those members with handphones can communicate with each other for free, by just stroking Nemo's fur with their HPs. Nemo is a living, breathing mobile network.

Before I created this blog, I wrote 6 mini novels and stored them in my own e-mail.

Now that I know how to create a blog, I'm all out to share the novels with MI, AI and AF fans.


Mengenai Kekawan Idola

Hello semua. Saya chua, dan ini adalah kali pertama saya buat blogging.

Saya ni adalah fan Malaysian Idol, Akademi Fantasia dan American Idol.

Setelah Fantasia Barrino menang AI3, saya mendapat ilham untuk membuat cerita-cerita fiksyen berkenaan AI, AF dan MI, dan rakan kerja juga banyak menggalakkan saya dalam projek ini.

Ilham saya datang dalam mimpi, iaitu apabila saya terbaring di katil kerana sakit pada hari minggu.

Idol Fellowship (Kekawan Idola) bukanlah kelab, tetapi perhimpunan member AF (12 orang setiap musim), MI (12 orang setiap musim) dan top 3 setiap musim AI. Jumlahnya 45 orang.

Nemo adalah kucing Persian sakti milik Khairul Nizam Wahi (Khai) iaitu pemenang nombor 2 AF musim satu (AF1).

Jikalau sesiapa dari AF, MI atau AI membelai Nemo, maka Nemo akan membawanya ke mana saja.

Member yang mempunyai handphone boleh berkomunikasi dengan member lain secara percuma, dengan hanya membelai Nemo dengan HP masing-masing. Nemo bagaikan rangkaian mobile dalam badan kucing.