Thursday, February 05, 2009

Yazer Advises Fans To Stay Calm Over Mas’ Illness

Handsome Yazer Yusof advises fans of his school chum Mas Ghani to stay calm, following reports of her illness and hospitalisation.

He says she will be fine, and needs a lot of rest, plus time to spend with her 2 children and siblings.

Yazer says Mas is a loving mother to her children, whom she raised single-handedly ever since her divorce almost decade ago.

“She’s always been an elder sister to me, and what I love most about her is her honesty,” he said.

Yazer Nasihati Peminat Mas Bersabar

Jejaka tampan Yazer Yusof menasihati peminat setia rakan sekolahnya Mas Ghani supaya bersabar, berikutan laporan penyakit misteri yang menyebabkan beliau dimasukkan ke hospital.

Yazer berkata penyakit Mas bukan serius, dan Mas perlu banyak berehat serta meluangkan masa dengan kaum keluarganya dan 2 orang anaknya.

Yazer juga berkata Mas seorang ibu yang penyayang, dan banyak berkorban membesarkan anaknya setelah bercerai dengan suaminya hampir sedekad yang lalu.

“Kak Mas semacam kakak saya sendiri. Saya amat hormati kejujurannya,” kata Yazer.