Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ahmad Jais Was The People's Entertainer - Haziq

English only.

Haziq Rosebi has paid tribute to the late Malaysian Andy Williams Datuk Ahmad Jais as the people's entertainer.

Ahmad passed away at 75 on October 10, 2011.

"He inspired me to love traditional Malay pop and thrive with it. We had several concerts together. I learnt a lot from him," says Haziq.

His close pals Salima Habibi, Khai Wahi, Rosma Sidik, Toi Baharom, Saida Tarudin and Mawi Ani also paid tribute to Ahmad Jais.

"He was a true Malaysian musical icon," says Salima.

"And his loss is irreplaceable," says Mawi.