Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Novel One - Fantasia Meets The Academy

Entertainment writer Zainal Alam Kadir (Alam) of The Malay Mail (MM) successfully arranges for Akademi Fantasia (AF) poster boys Vincent Chong (Vince) and Khairul Nizam Wahi (Khai) to perform alongside the top three winners of American Idol 3 (AI3) in New York, US.
Producers of AF and AI3 cut a deal earlier this year, unknown to the media save Alam, for Vince and Khai to appear in a special edition for Malaysian
viewers only, of AI3. The title is "American Idol 3 Special Edition: Fantasia Meets The Academy".

Alam phones home:

While in the US, Alam gets to share a hotel room with Vince. How wonderful, Alam thinks. In the room, Alam makes a long distance call to his assistant John Tiong in the MM. John tells Alam all is OK back home in Balai Berita (the head office of MM).
Khai gets to share his hotel room with Nemo, his adorable white pussycat.

So, how it went with Vince Chong:

Being the champion of AF, Vince, 25, was mentored by the soulful and perfectionist Fantasia (Barrino), 20, the champion of AI3.
Vince proved a fast learner, and had a music video collaboration with Fantasia completed rather quickly. No hitches.
America's newest pop queen thinks Vince will go far in Malaysian music because of his gentle and kind demeanour, and his humility.

So, how it went with Khai:

Softy Khai, 25, thought he would have an easy time being mentored by the second and third AI3 winners, namely the bubbly Mexican Diana DeGarmo, 17, and the demure Filipino Jasmine Trias, 18, respectively.
But they were rather hard on softy Khai, who had a problem being sloppy, sleepy and worse, possessing a minor acne problem.
Khai gets tickled by his cute mentors (electric shock of sorts) each time he says he is tired and needs a rest. They also pinch his acne out, a painful 10-minute process, so that he looks smooth-faced enough for the camera.
Nemo, Khai's faithful cat, is taken care of by some AI3 staff in the floor above Khai's studio. Khai tries to visit Nemo upstairs, but a power failure
ensues as soon as the lift reaches the above floor.
Khai finds that he is claustrophobic, and becomes a little panicky and breathless. Fortunately, the power failure only lasts a few minutes, and
even more fortunately, Khai's beautiful mentors are with him in the lift, to keep him calm.
At the end of the day, Khai sees his own standards improve, but he feels upset that he has "made a clown of himself". Nevertheless, his mentors
apologise for being hard on him, and commend him for trying hard in what he does.
Khai realises that Asia Pacific peoples abroad are vital to push up the standards of Malaysian natives.

The end result:

The producers of AI3 and AF are happy with their end product, and with Nemo, the mascot of AF for bringing cheer to everyone.

Cerpen 1 - Fantasia Berjumpa Akademinya

Wartawan dan penghibur Zainal Alam Kadir (Alam) dari MM berjaya gandingkan
pemenang Akademi Fantasia (AF) Vincent Chong (Vince) dan Khairul Nizam Wahi
(Khai) dalam satu persembahan khas bersama 3 pemenang American Idol 3 (AI3)
di NY, US.

Produser AF dan AI3 membuat MOU tahun ini, tanpa pengetahuan media kecuali
Alam, bagi membolehkan Vince dan Khai membuat satu persembahan American Idol
khas bertajuk "American Idol 3 Special Edition: Fantasia Meets The Academy".

Di US, Alam berasa gembira berkongsi bilik bersama Vince di hotel mewah.
Alam membuat panggilan telefon jauh kepada rakan kerjanya John Tiong di Balai
Berita MM. John memberitahu Alam bahawa semua OK di pejabatnya. Khai
berkongsi bilik dengan kucingnya, Nemo.

Vince, 25 tahun, dimentor oleh penyanyi sensasi dan juara AI3 Fantasia
Barrino, 20 tahun. Vince belajar nyanyian baru dengan cepat dan berjaya
merakamkan satu video bersama Fantasia tanpa sebarang
Fantasia, ratu pop Amerika yang terbaru, mengatakan bahawa Vince adalah
penyanyi harapan Malaysia kerana sikap rendah diri, penyayang dan

Khai, 25 tahun, ingat tiada masalah berkerja dengan pemenang nombor dua AI3,
si cili padi Mexico, Diana DeGarmo, 17 tahun, dan pemenang nombor tiga AI3,
si jelita Filipina Hawaii, Jasmine Trias, 18 tahun.

Tetapi Khai tersalah anggap. Diana dan Jasmine agak “strict”
terhadap Khai, yang disifatkan mereka sebagai “sloppy” sikit, selalu mengantuk,
serta sedikit bermasalah jerawat.

Jika Khai mengantuk dan mahu berehat seketika, Diana dan Jasmine akan
mencubit (“tickle”) Khai tanpa henti semacam “kejutan elektrik”.

Dua gadis Latin itu juga memicit jerawat Khai, dalam satu proses 10-minit
yang membuatkan Khai rasa sakit. Proses itu adalah untuk membuatkan muka
Khai lagi licin dan berkilat di depan kamera.

Nemo dijaga oleh staf produksi AI3 di tingkat atas studio Khai. Semasa
berehat, Khai, Diana dan Jasmine cuba naik lif untuk berjumpa dengan Nemo.
Tetapi malangnya, lif itu kena “black out” sebaik sahaja sampai
di tingkat atas.

Khai berasa takut dan “claustrophobic”, serta panik dan susah
bernafas. Nasib baik “black out” itu hanya untuk beberapa minit. Nasib baik
juga, si jelita Diana dan Jasmine ada dalam lif untuk memeluk dan menenangkan Khai.

Pada akhir tempoh lawatannya ke Amerika, Khai berjaya merakamkan beberapa
lagu dan video bersama Diana dan Jasmine. Khai berasa standard nyanyiannya
meningkat, tetapi adakalanya rasa malu kerana “awkward” di depan
Diana dan Jasmine.

Diana dan Jasmine meminta maaf atas sikap “strict” mereka. Kedua
gadis Latin itu memuji Khai kerana kerajinannya dan kesungguhannya untuk menjadi artis
yang berjaya.

Khai juga sedar bahawa adalah baik untuk artis bumiputera Malaysia
berganding dengan artis bumiputera dari negara lain termasuk Amerika, kerana ini akan
membolehkan standard penyanyi tempatan meningkat.

Produser AI3 dan AF gembira melihat rakaman video dan mendengar lagu-lagu
hit Vince, Khai, Fantasia, Diana dan Jasmine. Mereka juga gembira dengan Khai
kerana membawa si kucing comelnya, Nemo, ke studio.


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