Fashionable Fitri would love to do comedy
AF2’s Fitri Zainal Abidin is known to have a “passion for fashion”.
The budding fashion designer would love to dabble in acting, too.
He said: “Acting is something I have long wanted to do. If I had a choice, my pick would be comedies.”
Fitri describes himself as one with a great sense of humour, and thus feels at home starring in comedies.
“Versatility is important to me. If a recording artiste can also act and manage a business, that is a plus factor for him,” he said.
Fitri Suka Berlakon Dalam Komedi
Fitri (AF2), seorang penyanyi dan pereka fesyen, mempunyai minat untuk berlakon dalam siri komedi.
Fitri berkata: "Saya gemar berlakon dalam komedi sebab saya ni seorang yang suka buat lawak.
"Seseorang penghibur haruslah "versatile".
"Adalah tidak salah untuk menjadi penghibur serba boleh. "Versatility" adalah "plus factor" kepada semua penghibur."
Anita Sarawak is the Queen Of Entertainment - Anding
Mega stars from the US, such as Madonna and Mariah Carey may be the favourites of many Malaysians, but AF2’s Anding Zaini sees Anita Sarawak as the greatest entertainer.
While Anita cannot be compared to the US stars, Anding says he admires her because she represents the “Malaysia Boleh” spirit.
Besides, Anita’s family also hails from Kuching, Anding’s hometown.
“Anita represents excellence in entertainment for Malaysians.
She is one entertainer who always reinvents herself and never fails to shine,” he said.
Anding also admires Anita’s late mother, Siput Sarawak, who was a screen legend like Tan Sri P. Ramlee.
Anita Sarawak adalah Ratu Penghibur - Anding (AF2)
Anding (AF2) menganggap Anita Sarawak, rakan sekampungnya dari Kuching, sebagai Ratu Penghibur kerana kejayaannya mengharumkan nama negara di peringkat antarabangsa.
Anding berkata: "Kejayaan Kak Nita menembusi pasaran muzik Barat adalah bukti terbaik semangat Malaysia Boleh.
"Rakyat Malaysia wajar mencontohi perjuangan Kak Nita yang rajin berusaha meningkatkan prestasi nyanyiannya dan persembahannya sehingga menjadi penghibur "world class".
"Kak Nita sentiasa berusaha "reinvent" dirinya dan mengekalkan prestasi nyanyiannya."
Anding juga amat meminati bintang filem legenda Allahyarham Siput Sarawak, ibu kepada Anita.
Kelly Clarkson is on my list - Vince AF1
Imagine meeting the first American Idol a month after Akademi Fantasia.
Vince Chong will always cherish a moment like this.
The AF1 winner said he met Kelly Clarkson during her tour of Singapore last year, and was very happy to speak to the Texan beauty.
“Kelly was really nice, jovial and homely, besides being very mature. I would love to collaborate with her if I had the chance,” he said.
Another Idol Vince would love to work with is Jac, the new Malaysian Idol.
“I wish her all the best in World Idol, and I am confident she will shine, if she keeps up the great performances in the weekly MI shows,” he said, adding that he could see that Jac was heading for victory from the beginning of the contest.
Another Kelly Clarkson fan from Akademi Fantasia is AF2's first runner-up, Linda Nanuwil.
She said: “Kelly is a great entertainer. She exudes confidence on stage, yet is very much a girl-next-door who never forgets her fans.”
She said Kelly was the AI winner she would love to work with, if given the chance.
Vince Ingin Berduet Dengan Kelly Clarkson
Vince Chong (AF1) adalah peminat setia Kelly Clarkson, pemenang musim satu American Idol.
Vince sendiri pernah berjumpa dengan Kelly sewaktu penyanyi jelita dari Texas, AS itu melawat Singapura dalam tahun 2003.
Vince berkata: "Kelly seorang yang mesra, matang, merendah diri dan banyak memberi nasihat kepada saya. Saya ingin berduet dengannya jikalau diberi peluang."
Vince juga ingin bekerjasama dengan Jaclyn Victor, juara Malaysian Idol.
"Dari permulaan rancangan MI lagi, saya sudah jangka Jac akan menang. Dia sememangnya penyanyi yang konsisten dan hebat.
"Saya konfiden Jac boleh memenangi World Idol jika beliau mengekalkan konsistensi persembahannya seperti dalam konsert MI," katanya.
Linda Nanuwil (AF2) juga seorang peminat setia Kelly Clarkson.
Dia menyifatkan Kelly sebagai penyanyi yang penuh berkarisma di atas pentas, tetapi amat mesra dan merendah diri di luar pentas.
"Kelly seorang yang tidak mudah lupakan peminat serta bersikap matang dan mesra. Dialah antara "favourite duet partner" saya," katanya.
Jasmine is my dream Idol - Khai

Jasmine Trias
Akademi Fantasia Season One’s (AF1) first runner-up Khai (Khairul Nizam Wahi) would love to work with American Idol’s (AI) top ranked Asian Jasmine Trias if given the opportunity.
While Khai said it “would be difficult” at the moment, if the opportunity comes, he would be most honoured to collaborate with AI Season Three second runner-up Trias.
He said: “I admire Jasmine for her professionalism and family values. She works very hard and never stops improving her musical abilities. Besides, she has a good rapport with her fans and does not forget her roots.”
Khai said that Trias, who is of Filipino-Hawaiian descent, was mature beyond her 18 years and also believed in composing and writing her own songs, just as he does.
“While I am happy Fantasia Barrino won AI this year, I was rooting for Jasmine,” he said, adding that if he had a chance to speak to Trias, he would tell her to “stay the same”.
Jasmine Trias Idola Khai
Khai (AF1) adalah peminat setia peserta jelita American Idol (AI) berketurunan Filipina-Hawaii, Jasmine Trias.
Dia ingin berjumpa atau bekerjasama dengan Jasmine, pemenang tempat ketiga AI musim 3, jikalau diberi peluang.
Khai berkata: "Tak senang jumpa dengan Jasmine, tapi jikalau Khai diberi peluang, Khai berasa amat bangga untuk bekerjasama dengannya.
"Jasmine adalah "favourite" Khai dalam AI sebab beliau profesional, utamakan keluarga, berusaha mempertingkatkan bakatnya, tidak lupa peminat, serta tidak lupa asal-usulnya."
Khai juga memuji Jasmine kerana kematangannya dan inisiatifnya menggubah lagunya sendiri.
"Jikalau Khai sempat berbual dengan Jasmine, saya akan memintanya mengekalkan imejnya yang ada."
Stay on the middle path, Atie advises Saipul
Akademi Fantasia Season One contestant Atie (Suriati Abu Bakar) advises budding entertainers, including MI's Saipul Bakeri, to “stay in the middle” to be healthy and happy.
In her congratulatory message to the cute Sarawakian contestant who finished fifth in MI, Atie said that she was confident Saipul would be able to cope well with the pressures of fame and stardom, just as he successfully fended off Roslan Aziz's brickbats and swipes with a generous smile.
Atie, who hails from Bentong, a district in the middle of Peninsular Malaysia, defines “staying in the middle” as “doing everything in moderation”.
“The best way to cope with fame and stardom is to be moderate in our daily lives. We should not go to extremes in dress, food or speech,” she said.
“Most important, we have to be honest with ourselves.”
She said she would love to collaborate with Saipul if given the chance.Another Akademi Fantasia Season One contestant, Azariah (Azza) Suaymi, said that she admired Saipul's "courage under fire", when judge Roslan Aziz ribbed him."Saipul is cute and cool. He's one Malaysian Idol I'd love to meet," she said.
Meanwhile, Saipul's fellow Kuchingite Nurul Hamid, of AF Season Two, said she would also love to collaborate with Saipul if given the chance.
Nurul said that she had known Saipul for "some time" as both of them had often participated in pop talent contests in Sarawak's capital.
Interestingly, two of Saipul's sisters are named Nurul, while Nurul has a cousin named Saipul.
Nurul said that Saipul proved Roslan Aziz's "pretty boy" label wrong, because his determination to excel in pop music, and his ability to withstand the critic's "nakal" remarks proved that he was truly a "brave little brother".
Amalkan Kesederhanaan - Atie (AF1) Kepada Saipul (MI)
Peserta jelita AF1, Atie amat mengkagumi nyanyian Saipul (MI). Sebagai seorang senior dalam rancangan pop realiti, Atie menasihati Saipul supaya jujur kepada diri sendiri dan mengamalkan kesederhanaan dalam hidup.
Atie berkata bahawa dia amat bangga dengan sikap positif Saipul apabila menghadapi kritikan tajam hakim MI, Roslan Aziz.
Saipul kelihatan tersenyum dan sentiasa bersabar apabila dihentam dan diejek oleh Roslan.
"Saya yakin Adik Saipul boleh berjaya dalam bidang muzik kerana keberaniannya menghadapi cabaran dan kritikan tajam. Jikalau diberi peluang, saya akan berasa amat bangga berduet dengannya." Rakan Atie dari AF1, Azariah (Azza) Suaymi berkata bahawa dia amat mengkagumi keberanian Saipul apabila berdepan dengan sindiran tajam Roslan Aziz."Adik Saipul ni memang "cool" dan comel. Azza nak kirim salam mesra kepada Adik Saipul, dan ingin berjumpanya, jikalau ada peluang," katanya.
Sementara itu, Nurul (AF2), rakan sekampung Saipul dari Kuching, berasa amat bangga dengan kejayaan Saipul merangkul tempat kelima dalam MI.
Nurul berkata bahawa dia ingin berduet dengan Saipul jikalau diberi peluang.
"Saya sudah lama mengenali Saipul. Sebelum MI dan AF, kita selalu berjumpa dalam pertandingan nyanyian di Kuching," katanya.
Kebetulannya, Saipul mempunyai dua orang adik perempuan bernama Nurul, manakala Nurul mempunyai seorang sepupu bernama Saipul.
Nurul amat mengkagumi keberanian Saipul apabila berdepan dengan Roslan Aziz yang mengejeknya.
"Sikap positif Adik Saipul apabila berdepan dengan sindiran Roslan membuktikan bahawa beliau sememangnya saudaraku yang berani," katanya.
Vick is still a winner, says AF1's Azizi
Vick Teo and Azizi Mohamad both had a tough time with the critics during Malaysian Idol and Akademi Fantasia Season One respectively.
But they remained calm while “under fire” from their harshest critics Paul Moss and Ramli M. S. respectively.
Azizi said he wished to tell Vick that being a third-placer does not mean one is third best because one’s position in a television pop contest is largely based on the viewers’ choice.
He said: “You have done well, Vick. Keep up the good work, and always be true to yourself.”
He also advised Vick not to be too influenced by what others said about him.
Meanwhile, Andrew Tan, who finished fourth in Malaysian Idol, has received a congratulatory message from an old school mate, Edlin Rahim of Akademi Fantasia Season Two.
Edlin said she was very happy that Andrew made it to the top five in Malaysian Idol, and admired his ability to sing "Kau Ilhamku" by Man Bai.
Vick Boleh Jadi Penyanyi Hebat - Azizi (AF1)
Vick Teo (MI) dan Azizi (AF1) mempunyai pengalaman yang sama dalam rancangan pop realiti masing-masing.
Vick dihentam hebat oleh pengkritik Paul Moss manakala Azizi dihentam hebat oleh pengkritik Ramli M S dalam show masing-masing.
Kedua-dua peserta itu senyum dan bertenang sewaktu dihentam oleh pengkritik yang tajam.
Vick dan Azizi juga berjaya merangkul tempat ketiga dalam pertandingan masing-masing.
Azizi berkata: "Vick harus bangga dan yakin dengan diri sendiri. Dia seorang yang berpotensi untuk menjadi artis yang hebat.
"Walaupun Vick dapat tempat ke-3 dalam MI, ini tak semestinya bermakna Vick akan sentiasa "third best" dalam bidang nyanyian.
"Kalah atau menang dalam rancangan pop realiti banyak bergantung kepada nasib dan undi SMS penonton.
"Kalah atau menang bukanlah segala-galanya. Apa yang penting ialah, Vick mesti rajin berusaha, jujur pada diri sendiri dan jangan terlalu mengikut kata orang lain."
Sementara itu, Edlin (AF2) mengucapkan syabas kepada rakan sekolahnya Andrew Tan (MI) kerana kejayaannya merangkul tempat ke-4 dalam MI.
Edlin berkata Andrew seorang yang berani dan "versatile" dan mampu menyanyikan lagu Bahasa Malaysia, "Kau Ilhamku" dengan baik.
Jac can win World Idol - AF2's Linda
From the start of Malaysian Idol (MI), AF2’s Linda Nanuwil saw victory coming Jaclyn Victor’s way.
The Sabahan beauty has full confidence in Jac winning the World Idol contest and doing the country proud.
“Jac has what it takes to win World Idol. Throughout the MI, she showed viewers she was ahead of the rest,” she said.
AF1's Vince Chong is also optimistic about Jac's chances in World Idol.
He said: “I wish Jac all the best in World Idol, and I am confident she will shine, if she keeps up the great performances in the weekly MI shows."
Vince said that he could see that Jac was heading for victory from the beginning of the MI contest.
Jac Boleh Menang World Idol - Linda (AF2)
Linda (AF2) amat yakin Jac boleh memenangi World Idol tahun depan. Dia berkata: "Dari mula rancangan MI lagi, saya sudah jangka Jac akan menang. Dia juga peserta yang paling konsisten."
Vince (AF1) juga yakin Jac boleh memenangi World Idol. Katanya: "Saya konfiden Jac boleh menang jikalau dia mengekalkan prestasinya sekarang. Dari mula rancangan, saya dapat melihat potensinya untuk menang."
Novel 8 - Nemo and Omen
Meow! This is Nemo, Khai’s cat and the central figure of the Idol Fellowship stories.
I forgot to tell you that I have a look-alike called Omen, and he is my distant cousin.
I never knew Omen until recently. He shares the same magical powers as me.
But unlike me, Omen spells trouble.
If my favourite Idols (male ones that is) stroke Omen, they will become very, very sick, with terrible body pains and nose bleeds.
The weaker ones might even faint.
A few days ago, Omen visited my human friends, and got six of my nine favourite Idols sick.
Thank God, they recovered from their illnesses within a day.
This is the magical thing about the Idols.
Those who fall sick as a result of forces beyond human perception (but well within cat perception), can be healed by those who stand within the same circle.
Here is our story.
Vince is having a hot shower.
A black cat peeps at him from beyond the bathroom window.
“Shoo, Mr Pussycat!” says Vince.
The cat hisses at Vince.
A few minutes later, the cat jumps through the window without damaging it and lands on its legs, on the wet bathroom floor.
“Cat, I said go away!” says Vince.
The cat hisses and jumps.Vince gives out a scream.
It appears that the cat has bitten Vince’s butt.
“No!” screams Vince.
He gets out of bed, and in the process accidentally kicks the butt of Zainal Alam Kadir who has just arrived in his bedroom, with help from Nemo.
“Ouch!” says Alam.
“Oops! Sorry Zainal,” says Vince.
Adi Fashla Juraimi and Sahri Sarip are with Alam.
“Sorry guys. I just had a nightmare. A black cat bit my butt,” says Vince.
“I had that dream last time,” says Alam.
“Anyway, Adi Fashla has an interesting story to tell us.”
Adi Fashla says: “It’s all about Alam’s departed cats.”
“Woogie and Creamy visit me occasionally,” says Adi Fashla.
“They are so sweet. I get to communicate with them. They tell me that they are very happy to have lived a wonderful life with a wonderful master.”
Just then, Woogie and Creamy appear.
Adi Fashla gets hold of Woogie and hands Creamy to Alam.
Woogie then leaps into Sahri’s embrace, and Sahri hands him over to Vince.
Alam says: “This is a truly magical moment. I am so touched.”
Vince, Sahri and Alam congratulate Adi Fashla on being made the advertiser of a new brand of lime juice.
Sahri tells Vince: “My fellow Melakan, television presenter Suhaimi Sulaiman, sends his warmest regards and congratulations to you, Vince, on being chosen as Malaysia’s representative to the Asia Music Festival.”
At the NZ Curry House in Wangsa Maju, a suburb of Kuala Lumpur, Zahid Baharuddin and his journalist friend Joe Lee are having a meal of roti canai (southern Indian unleavened bread, a popular Malaysian meal).
Both of them are wearing orange, which is the favourite colour of Zahid.Nemo (or perhaps Omen) appears before them.
“Meow!” says the cat.
Zahid picks up Nemo (or Omen) and strokes him.
Joe says “Woof!”
The cat jumps out of Zahid’s embrace and runs to another table.
Zahid says: “You scared him, Joe.”
Just then, Dina Nadzir appears with Zahid’s younger sister, Farehan, who is her close friend.
“Hi, guys!” says Dina.
Nemo (or Omen) runs into Dina’s embrace.
Dina hands the cat over to Farehan.
Zahid says: “Dina, don’t forget to congratulate Joe. He has been appointed the adviser of my fan club.”
Dina says: “Oh, congrats, Joe. And thanks for the wonderful article on the Malaysian Idol finals.”
Saipul Bakeri walks into the Starbucks Coffee outlet in Genting Highlands’ First World Hotel, Malaysia’s largest hill station hotel.
He approaches a table where Atie Abu Bakar and Azza Suhaimi are having a drink.
“Hi, kak Atie! Hi, kak Azza!” says the sweet and polite Sarawakian.
Nemo (or Omen) appears before them.
Saipul picks up the cat and starts stroking him.
The cat licks Saipul’s hands.
Azza’s hand phone lets out a ring. “Breep!”
Farah Anuar appears before Saipul, Atie and Azza.
Seconds later, sweet Nurul Hamid appears, and takes the seat next to Saipul.
“Yang (short for Sayang, a Malaysian term of endearment), you don’t look well,” says Nurul. Farah says: “Did Vick Teo send you flowers?”
Saipul says: “I have not seen him today.”
Azza takes a photograph of Saipul with her hand phone.
A photograph of Kuching’s great white cat statue appears.
“Alamak (A Malaysian slang which translates as My Goodness),” says Saipul.
Azza tells Saipul: “Nemo has given me the power to create magical photographs. When I snap your shot, a cat photograph appears.”
Nurul spots a stream of blood on Saipul’s upper lip and pinches his nose.
“It’s so painful. Saipul sakit,” says Saipul.
An acute pain envelopes Saipul’s body. He feels as if an alien is damaging his internal organs.
Nurul, Farah, Atie and Azza hold Saipul tightly.
Farah, Atie and Azza rub his body to ease the pain.
Farah takes some ice cubes out of Saipul’s glass and rubs them on his face.
Farah’s hand phone lets out a “Breep!”.
A mystery caller talks to Farah on the phone.
She tells him about Saipul’s sudden illness, and that she suspects the cat is not the real Nemo.
He says: “Farah, the cat is Nemo’s harmful cousin, Omen. We Malaysian Idol hosts have the gift of spotting Omen.
“Don’t worry about Saipul. He’ll be fine. Just comfort him.”
The caller is Malaysian Idol host Soo Kui Jien.
Farah tells Omen to teleport the five customers of Starbucks to Kelly Clarkson’s bedroom cum meeting room in the US.
Vince is clicking at the computer in his bedroom.
Burn Thevandran, his best friend, appears.
“Hi, Vince! How’s life?” asks Burn.
“Adi Fashla came today. He told me he now has the power to meet Alam’s departed cats,” says Vince.
“How lovely. Alam would certainly cherish this,” says Burn.
Vince says: “He told me it was truly a blessing.”
Seconds later, Jaclyn Victor and Linda Nanuwil appear, followed by Fantasia Barrino, Kelly Clarkson and Mas Ghani.
Vince tells Jac: “I hear U visited The Malay Mail recently and had some Domino’s Pizza.”
Jac replies: “Yes, I had a great time meeting my long lost “relative” Hafidah Samat.”
Vince tells Linda: “Hi, I’m Garfield. How are U, Odie? Woof!”
Linda replies: “Sudahlah Kor. Nakal lah, Kor ini (this means, “Stop it, Vince. Behave yourself”).”
Vince apologises: “Sorry, Doi (affectionate term in Kadazan-Dusun, Nanuwil’s community, for “baby”). Kor gurau saja lah (this means “I am only joking”).”
Nemo (or Omen) suddenly appears in Vince’s bedroom.
Vince, Burn, Jac, Kelly, Linda, Mas and Fantasia stroke the Persian cat.
Fantasia says: “My instincts tell me this is not Nemo.”
Vince says: “Does Nemo have an identical twin? I doubt it.”
Burn sits at a corner of Vince’s bedroom, looking sad.
Mas approaches him.“Apa sedih ni, Bakar? (this means, “Why do U look so sad, Burn?”)” asks Mas.
Burn replies: “I’ve lost my favourite actor, Christopher Reeve.”
Mas says, stroking Burn’s back: “Sabarlah. Ini takdir (“Be patient, this is God’s will”).”
Vince tells his friends: “I feel something strange inside me right now. Must be the haze from Indonesia.”
Kelly says: “Relax, Vince. I think U R overworked.”
Vince feels an acute pain enveloping his body.
“Ouch! It hurts. It hurts terribly.”
Linda and Jac get hold of Vince and hold him tightly.
Kelly follows suit.
Kelly pinches Vince’s nose, after noticing blood on his upper lip.
Burn feels a similar pain as Vince.
He begins to show the same symptoms as his sick friend.
Mas and Fantasia hold him tight.
Mas pinches Burn’s nose.
Fantasia says: “I knew it. The cat is not Nemo.”
In a trendy cafe somewhere in New York, feisty Diana DeGarmo has a drink with Malaysian Idol’s Sufiah Mohamad Noor, Rydee Rahim and Nikki Palikat, and Akademi Fantasia’s Nana Mahazan, Adam Mohamad Saman and Kaer Azami.
Nemo (or Omen) appears before them. They all stroke him.
Diana says: “Suddenly, I have a funny feeling. The cat is not Nemo. He seems to avoid me.”
Adam and Kaer excuse themselves and go to the toilet.
They later return to their seats, looking very pale.
Kaer says: “I don’t feel well. I’m a little short of breath today.”
Adam says: “Same here.”
Both Kaer and Adam finish off their drinks.
Suddenly, they begin to suffer nose bleeds.
Diana says: “Oh, dear. Not again.”
Rydee pinches Adam’s nose, while Nana pinches Kaer’s nose.
Kaer and Adam feel very sharp pains in their abdomens.
Nana and Sufiah hold Kaer tightly, and try to ease his abdominal pain.
Rydee and Nikki do the same to Adam.
Diana receives a hand phone call.
The caller says: “Hi, Di! It’s me, Jas. You’ve gotta come back quickly.”
Diana, Adam, Kaer, Sufiah, Nana, Rydee and Nikki are back in DeGarmo’s bedroom cum meeting room.
They are joined by Khairul Nizam Wahi (Khai), Jasmine Trias and Camile Velasco, who is Jasmine’s close friend and fellow American Idol contestant.
Jasmine tells Diana: “There is this fake Nemo called Omen. He is very dangerous, to the guys Nemo loves most.”
Khai says: “Nemo has always been here with me today. He did not go anywhere else. But early today, he wandered into a Shakey’s Pizza outlet.”
Camile says: “You guys must have been playing with Omen. Don’t worry. Nemo has told us what the cure is.”
In Kelly Clarkson’s bedroom, Saipul’s condition does not seem to improve.Nurul, Farah, Atie and Azza hold on to the cutey pie amongst the Malaysian Idol guys.
Malaysian Idol hosts Sharifah Aleya and Soo Kui Jien, and 8TV presenters Rina Omar and Marion Caunter appear before them.
Aleya, Rina and Marion comfort Saipul, stroking his spiky hair, hands and body.
Jien says: “Hang on, Saipul. Listen to us, and U will be all right.”
Aleya says: “Khai has been in contact with us. He has told us the following rules on how to fend off Omen.”
The MI hosts and 8TV presenters ask Saipul if he has been eyeing Italian cuisine in a restaurant.
Saipul says: “I nearly wanted to get hold of the lasagna in Starbucks.”
Jien says: “Today, Nemo visited an Italian restaurant in the US. If he goes to an Italian restaurant or any restaurant which serves Italian food, be careful not to crave for Italian food. Omen will suddenly appear.”
Marion and Rina tell Atie, Azza, Farah and Nurul: “Hold on to Saipul. All of you belong to the same circle. Circle members can heal each other.”
Atie clicks the Voice Lock button on her hand phone and tells Nemo to lock Omen’s meow.
She then calls Nemo and Omen to come over to Kelly’s room.
Everybody, save Saipul, greets Nemo and Omen.
Nemo lets out some meows, while Omen remains silent.
Farah telephones Khai: “Atie has just voice-locked Omen. We R returning Nemo to U.”
Khai becomes increasingly weak.
Diana strokes Nemo, and is told by the cat that if any Idol Fellowship member falls sick as a result of playing with Omen, Khai will fall sick, too.
Khai suffers the same symptoms as Vince, Burn, Saipul, Kaer and Adam.
Jasmine and Camile attend to him.
Jasmine pinches Khai’s bleeding nose.
Camile ices his face with a wet cloth.
Diana says: “Fight it, Khai. Remember the time you were Wolverine. The universe depends on you.”
The Georgian approaches Adam and Kaer.
“Guess U guys have Shakey’s in your head,” says Diana.
“Yes, I was thinking about having a meal in Shakey’s,” says Adam.
“Me, too. I’m taking a break from Japanese stuff,” says Kaer.
Diana lovingly strokes Kaer and Adam.
Jasmine says: “If U want to get better, start thinking of more Sushi, Ocha and carrot juice.”
Camile says: “Stay clear from thoughts of Garfield and lasagna, just for a day.”
Zahid, Joe and Dina arrive in Vince’s bedroom.
Kelly tells them that she has just received a telephone call from Khai.
She tells Zahid, Joe and Dina to keep talking to Vince about non-Italian delicacies, to steer his mind clear of Domino’s Pizza, which he has been thinking of.
“Vince has to clear his mind of Garfield and Italian stuff,” says Kelly.
“U guys can help him.”
Zahid and Dina keep telling Vince to think of roti canai, laksa (Malaysian spicy noodles) and popiah (Malaysian Chinese spring rolls).
Joe says: “Cabai burung, Vince (Cabai burung is a small chilli which is flaming hot).”
“What’s that, Joe?” asks Linda.
“Cili padi lah,” replies Jac (Cili padi is the same as cabai burung).
Mas tells Burn: “Bakar, ingat sate ya (Burn, please think of the Sate or Malaysian barbecue at my stall in Tawau).”
Fantasia says: “Don’t worry, Burn. Just keep thinking of Mas’ stall and U will be fine.”
In Kelly’s bedroom, Nurul, Farah, Atie and Azza whisper into Saipul’s ears.
They tell him: “Yang, ingat tu Mi Kolok, Laksa dan Ikan Terubok (Think of Mi Kolok, the famous Sarawakian noodles, Sarawakian Laksa and the famous Sarawakian Terubok fish).”
Jien, Aleya, Marion and Rina assist their Idol friends in making Saipul focus his mind on Sarawakian delicacies.
In Diana’s bedroom, Adam and Kaer finally recover from their illnesses.
Adam gets hugged by Rydee and Nikki, and Kaer by Nana and Sufiah.
Diana also hugs the guys, as she has a calming effect on them.
Khai is still sick, and he continues to be comforted by Jasmine and Camile.
“Thank God it’s over,” says Rydee to Adam.
“U R a survivor.”
“Hope U have learnt an important lesson, Adam,” says Nikki.
“Don’t think Italian when Nemo goes Italian.”
Nana tells Kaer: “Guess U must stick to Sushi if Khai sends Nemo to an Italian cafe.”
Sufiah says: “And stay clear of Tiramisu ice-cream when that happens.”
Burn finally recovers from his illness.
Mas and Fantasia hug him.
“Syukurlah Burn OK,” says Mas.
“Thank God U R safe,” says Fantasia (this is what Mas said earlier).
Khai finally recovers from his illness, as all of Omen’s victims have recovered.
“U really got me scared there, my dear Kahuna,” says Jasmine, playfully.
“Why do U allow your cat to play Pavarotti?” says Camile, jokingly.
Jasmine and Camile tickle Khai, until Diana tells them to stop.
“Diana, U saved me,” says Khai.
Diana replies: “No, I have not.”
She proceeds to tickle Khai, until Jasmine and Camile stop her.
Saipul’s full recovery is accompanied by passionate hugs from Nurul, Farah, Atie, Azza, Aleya, Rina and Marion.
Jien says: “Can I hug U, Saipul?”
Nurul says: “Jien, jangan jadi macam Vick dan Roslan, ya (Jien, please don’t act like Roslan Aziz and Vick Teo).”
Atie says: “If U want to think of Italian food, Saipul, always find out where Nemo is, from Khai or Diana.”
Farah says: “U don’t have to keep long hair like Andrew Tan, or butterscotch hair like Vick Teo and Azizi Mohamad, to be immune to Omen’s curse. Just find out where Nemo is every day.”
(Andrew, Azizi and Vick are among Nemo’s favourite guys, too. But they are immune to his poison, because of their long and coloured hair)
Farah receives a phone call from Khai.
Khai tells Farah that Nemo has just arrived in Kelly’s room.
Farah tells Khai: “Yes, we have received Nemo. He has checked in and Omen has just checked out.”
Nemo gives out a meow. Omen vanishes without a trace.
Novel 8 - Nemo & Omen
Meow! Ini Nemo, kucing sakti kesayangan Khai.
Saya ada seekor saudara yang rupanya 100 peratus sama dengan saya. Namanya Omen.
Saya baru saja berjumpa dengannya.
Dia punya kuasa sama dengan kuasa saya.
Tapi Omen amat bahaya.
Member lelaki IF yang kacak dan comel boleh jatuh sakit jika membelai Omen.
Badan mereka akan sakit dan hidung mereka akan berdarah.
Ada di antara mereka yang boleh pengsan.
Beberapa hari yang lalu, Omen telah melawat kami.
Dia telah membuatkan 6 kawan saya jatuh sakit.
Nasib baik mereka cepat sembuh, iaitu dalam sehari.
Inilah kebaikan IF. Sesiapa yang sakit boleh disembuhkan oleh kuasa sakti member IF yang lain. Member IF yang berada dalam kelompok atau “circle” yang sama boleh menyembuhkan satu sama lain.
Ikutilah cerita Omen dan Nemo.
Vince sedang mandi.Seekor kucing hitam mengintipnya dari luar tingkap.
“Shoo, Mr Pussycat!” kata Vince.
Kucing itu “memarahi” Vince.
Beberapa minit kemudian, kucing itu memasuki tingkap bilik mandi Vince secara sakti dan melompat ke atas lantai bilik mandi.
“Cat, I said go away!” kata Vince.
Kucing itu “memarahi” Vince lagi, serta melompat ke arah punggung Vince.
Vince menjerit. Rupa-rupanya, kucing itu menggigit punggung Vince.
“No!” teriak Vince.
Vince terjaga dari tidur, dan secara tidak sengaja, menendang punggung Zainal Alam Kadir yang baru sahaja memasuki bilik tidur Vince, dengan bantuan Nemo.
“Ouch!” kata Alam.
“Oops! Sorry Zainal,” kata Vince.
Adi Fashla Juraimi dan Sahri Sarip juga berada dalam bilik Vince.
“Sorry guys. Vince mengalami mimpi seram. Seekor kucing hitam gigit punggung saya,” kata Vince.
“Saya pun alami mimpi yang sama baru-baru ini,” kata Alam.
“Adi Fashla ada satu cerita menarik untuk kita.”
Adi Fashla berkata: “Kucing Alam yang dah mati, iaitu Woogie dan Creamy kerap lawat saya. Mereka amat comel dan boleh bercakap dengan saya.
Mereka bagi tahu saya, Alam ni bos yang hebat.”
Woogie dan Creamy muncul dengan tiba-tiba.
Adi Fashla memegang Woogie dan memberikan Creamy kepada Alam.
Woogie melompat ke dalam tangan Sahri, dan Sahri memberikan Woogie kepada Vince.
Alam berkata: “Saya amat terharu. Ini adalah mimpi yang sungguh indah.”
Vince, Sahri dan Alam mengucapkan tahniah kepada Adi Fashla yang baru dilantik sebagai model iklan jus limau nipis.
Sahri memberitahu Vince: “Rakan sekampung saya dari Melaka, iaitu Suhaimi Sulaiman, kirim salam kepada Vince, kerana dilantik sebagai wakil negara ke Pesta Muzik Asia di China.”
Di Restoran NZ Curry House di Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumpur, Zahid Baharuddin dan kawan karibnya, wartawan Joe Lee, sedang makan roti canai.
Mereka berdua memakai baju warna oren kesukaan Zahid.
Nemo (ataupun Omen) muncul di depan mereka.
“Meow!” kata kucing itu.
Zahid mengangkat Nemo (atau Omen) dan membelainya.
Joe berkata “Woof!”
Kucing itu melompat keluar dari dukungan Zahid dan berlari ke meja yang lain.
Zahid berkata: “U takutkan Nemo, Joe.”
Dina Nadzir muncul bersama adik Zahid, Farehan, yang juga kawan karibnya.
“Hi, guys!” kata Dina.
Nemo (atau Omen) melompat ke dalam pelukan Dina.
Dina memberikan kucing itu kepada Farehan.
Zahid berkata: “Dina, jangan lupa ucap tahniah kepada Joe. Dia sekarang penasihat Fan Club Zahid.”
Dina berkata: “Oh, congrats, Joe. Terima kasih kerana menulis artikel yang hebat pasal konsert final MI.”
Saipul Bakeri memasuki restoran Starbucks Coffee di First World Hotel, Genting Highlands.
Dia berjumpa dengan Atie Abu Bakar dan Azza Suaymi yang sedang minum.
“Hi, kak Atie! Hi, kak Azza!” kata Saipul.
Nemo (atau Omen) muncul.
Saipul mengangkat kucing itu dan membelainya.
Kucing itu menjilat tangan Saipul.
HP Azza berbunyi “Breep!”
Farah Anuar muncul.
Beberapa saat kemudian, Nurul Hamid muncul dan duduk di sisi adik angkat kesayangannya, Saipul.
“Yang, U macam tak OK hari ni,” kata Nurul, sambil mengusap muka Saipul.
Farah berkata secara lawak: “Vick hantar bunga kepada U ke?”
Saipul berkata: “Oh, tidak. Saya tak jumpa Vick hari ni.”
Azza mengambil gambar Saipul dengan HPnya.
Gambar monumen kucing putih di Bandaraya Kuching muncul dalam HP Azza.
“Alamak,” kata Saipul.
Azza berkata: “Nemo bagi saya kuasa untuk buat foto magik. Bila kak ambil U punya gambar, gambar kucing akan muncul.”
Nurul memicit hidung Saipul, setelah melihat darah keluar dari hidung adiknya.
“Saipul sakit,” kata Saipul.
Badan Saipul berasa amat sakit, semacam mengalami kecederaan dalaman.
Nurul, Farah, Atie dan Azza memeluk Saipul dengan kuatnya.
Farah, Atie dan Azza mengurut badan Saipul untuk melegakan kesakitannya.
Farah mengambil beberapa ketulan ais dari cawan minumannya dan mengesat muka Saipul dengan ketulan ais itu.
HP Farah berbunyi “Breep!”.
Seorang pemanggil misteri bercakap dengan Farah.
Farah memberitahunya, Saipul sedang sakit teruk, dan Farah percaya bahawa kucing itu bukan Nemo yang sebenar.
Pemanggil itu berkata: “Farah, the cat is Nemo’s cousin, Omen. We Malaysian Idol hosts have the gift of seeing Omen.
“Don’t worry about Saipul. He’ll be fine. Just comfort him.”
Pemanggil itu ialah hos MI, Soo Kui Jien.
Farah menyuruh Omen menghantar mereka berlima ke bilik tidur (dan bilik mesyuarat) Kelly Clarkson di US.
Vince sedang menggunakan komputer di biliknya.
Burn Thevandran, iaitu kawan karibnya, muncul.
“Hi, Vince! How’s life?” tanya Burn.
“Adi Fashla came today. He told me he now has the power to meet Alam’s dead cats,” kata Vince.
“Hebatnya. Alam tentu berasa gembira dan terharu,” kata Burn.
Vince berkata: “He told me it was a blessing.”
Beberapa saat kemudian, Jaclyn Victor, Linda Nanuwil, Fantasia Barrino, Kelly Clarkson dan Mas Ghani muncul.
Vince berkata kepada Jac: “I hear U visited The Malay Mail recently and had some Domino’s Pizza.”
Jac berkata: “Yes, I had a great time meeting my long lost “relative” Hafidah Samat.”
Vince berkata kepada Linda: “Hi, I’m Garfield. How are U, Odie? Woof!”
Linda berkata: “Sudahlah Kor. Nakal lah, Kor ini.”
Vince berkata: “Sorry, Doi. Kor gurau saja lah.”
Nemo (atau Omen) muncul di bilik tidur Vince.
Vince, Burn, Jac, Kelly, Linda, Mas dan Fantasia membelainya.
Fantasia berkata: “I don’t think this is Nemo.”
Vince berkata: “Does Nemo have an identical twin? I don’t think so.”
Burn duduk di atas lantai, dan kelihatan muram.
Mas duduk di sisinya.“Apa sedih ni, Bakar?” tanya Mas.
Burn menjawab: “Pelakon kegemaran saya, Christopher Reeve, sudah tiada.”
Mas berkata, sambil mengusap belakang Burn: “Sabarlah, yang. Ini takdir.”
Vince berkata: “I feel something strange inside me right now. Must be the haze from Indonesia.”
Kelly berkata: “Relax, Vince. I think U R overworked.”
Vince berasa amat sakit.“Ouch! It hurts. It hurts terribly.”
Linda dan Jac memeluk Vince dengan kuatnya.
Kelly pun memeluk Vince.
Kelly memicit hidung Vince, yang mulai berdarah.
Burn juga mengalami kesakitan yang teruk.
Badannya mengalami simptom yang sama dengan Vince.
Mas dan Fantasia memeluk Burn.
Mas memicit hidung Burn.
Fantasia berkata: “I knew it. The cat is not Nemo.”
Di sebuah kafe di New York, Diana DeGarmo sedang minum bersama Sufiah Mohamad Noor, Rydee Rahim dan Nikki Palikat dari MI, dan Nana Mahazan, Adam Mohamad Saman dan Kaer Azami dari AF.
Nemo (atau Omen) muncul dan mereka membelai kucing itu.
Diana berkata: “Suddenly, I have a funny feeling. The cat is not Nemo. He seems to avoid me.”
Adam dan Kaer meminta diri untuk ke tandas.
Setelah kembali dari tandas, mereka kelihatan amat pucat.
Kaer berkata: “I don’t feel well. Macam susah bernafas.”
Adam berkata: “I pun sama.”
Kaer dan Adam menghabiskan minuman mereka.
Dengan tiba-tiba hidung mereka berdarah.
Diana berkata: “Oh, dear. Not again.”
Rydee memicit hidung Adam, sementara Nana memicit hidung Kaer.
Kaer dan Adam berasa amat sakit.
Nana dan Sufiah memeluk Kaer, dan mengurutnya untuk melegakan kesakitannya.
Rydee dan Nikki memeluk Adam, dan mengurutnya.
Diana menerima panggilan HP.
Pemanggil itu berkata: “Hi, Di! It’s me, Jas. You’ve gotta come back quickly.”
Diana, Adam, Kaer, Sufiah, Nana, Rydee dan Nikki muncul di bilik tidur Diana (juga bilik mesyuarat).
Khairul Nizam Wahi (Khai), Jasmine Trias dan Camile Velasco, kawan karib Jasmine dari AI musim ke-3, berada di bilik yang sama.
Jasmine berkata kepada Diana: “There is this fake Nemo called Omen. He is very dangerous, to the guys Nemo loves most.”
Khai berkata: “Nemo yang sebenar berada di sisi saya. Dia tak pergi mana-mana, kecuali ke sebuah restoran Shakey’s Pizza.”
Camile berkata: “You guys must have been playing with Omen. Don’t worry. Nemo has told us what the cure is.”
Di bilik tidur Kelly, Saipul masih sakit teruk.
Nurul, Farah, Atie dan Azza masih memeluknya dan mengurutnya.
Hos MI Sharifah Aleya dan Jien, serta hos rancangan 8TV Quickie Rina Omar dan Marion Caunter muncul dalam bilik itu.
Aleya, Rina dan Marion mengusap muka dan badan Saipul.
Jien berkata: “Hang on, Saipul. Listen to us, and U will be all right.”
Aleya berkata: “Khai dah bagi tahu kami, macam mana penyakit yang Omen bawak ni boleh diubati.”
Hos MI bertanya kepada Saipul, adakah dia ingin makan masakan Itali tadi.
Saipul menjawab: “Saya hampir nak order lasagna di Starbucks.”
Jien berkata: “Today, Nemo visited an Italian restaurant in the US. If he goes to an Italian restaurant or any restaurant which serves Italian food, be careful not to think of Italian food. Omen will suddenly appear.”
Marion dan Rina memberitahu Atie, Azza, Farah dan Nurul: “Hold on to Saipul. All of you belong to the same circle. Circle members can heal each other.”
Atie menekan butang Voice Lock di atas HPnya dan mengunci suara Omen.
Dia mengarahkan Nemo dan Omen muncul di bilik Kelly.
Semua orang, kecuali Saipul, memanggil Nemo dan Omen.
Nemo mengiau, tetapi Omen mendiamkan diri.
Farah menelefon Khai: “Atie baru saja kunci suara Omen. Nemo akan pulang ke bilik Diana untuk bersama Khai.”
Khai mulai berasa lemah dan sakit.
Diana membelai Nemo, dan kucing itu memberitahunya bahawa jikalau member-member IF jatuh sakit akibat bermain dengan Omen, maka Khai pun akan jatuh sakit.
Khai mengalami simptom yang sama dengan Vince, Burn, Saipul, Kaer dan Adam.
Jasmine dan Camile merawat Khai.
Jasmine memicit hidung Khai.
Camile mengesat muka Khai dengan tuala yang basah.
Diana berkata: “Fight it, Khai. Remember the time you were Wolverine. The universe depends on you.”
Diana mengusap Adam dan Kaer.
“Guess U guys have Shakey’s in your head,” kata Diana.
“Yes, I was thinking about having a meal in Shakey’s,” kata Adam.
“Me, too. I’m taking a break from Japanese food,” kata Kaer.
Jasmine berkata: “If U want to get better, start thinking of more Sushi, Ocha and carrot juice.”
Camile berkata: “Stay clear from thoughts of Garfield and lasagna, just for a day.”
Zahid, Joe dan Dina muncul di bilik tidur Vince.
Kelly memberitahu mereka yang dia baru sahaja menerima panggilan HP dari Khai.
Dia menyuruh Zahid, Joe dan Dina bercakap dengan Vince pasal makanan yang bukan dari Itali.
Ini adalah untuk memastikan Vince tidak memikirkan pasal makanan Itali.
“Vince has to clear his mind of Garfield and Italian stuff,” kata Kelly.
“U guys can help him.”
Zahid dan Dina menyuruh Vince berfikir tentang roti canai, laksa dan popiah.
Joe berkata: “Cabai burung, Vince.”
“Apa tu, Joe?” tanya Linda.
“Cili padi lah,” jawab Jac.
Mas berkata kepada Burn: “Burn, ingat sate ya.”
Fantasia berkata: “Don’t worry, Burn. Just keep thinking of Mas’ stall and U will be fine.”
Di bilik tidur Kelly, Nurul, Farah, Atie dan Azza membisikkan sesuatu ke dalam telinga Saipul.
Mereka berkata: “Yang, ingat tu Mi Kolok, Laksa dan Ikan Terubok.”
Jien, Aleya, Marion dan Rina menyuruh kawan mereka dari IF memastikan Saipul memikirkan tentang masakan dari kampung halamannya.
Di bilik tidur Diana, Adam dan Kaer sembuh dari penyakit mereka.
Adam dipeluk oleh Rydee dan Nikki.
Kaer dipeluk oleh Nana dan Sufiah.
Diana pun memeluk Adam dan Kaer.
Khai masih lagi sakit, dan dijaga oleh Jasmine dan Camile.
“Syukurlah, adikku selamat,” kata Rydee kepada Adam.
“U R a survivor.”
“Hope U have learnt an important lesson, Adam,” kata Nikki.
“Don’t think Italian when Nemo goes Italian.”
Nana berkata kepada Kaer: “Kaer kena ingat Sushi jikalau Nemo pergi kafe Itali.”
Sufiah berkata: “Dan jangan fikir pasal ais krim tiramisu jika Nemo pergi kafe Itali.”
Burn sembuh dari penyakitnya.
Mas dan Fantasia memeluknya.
“Syukurlah Burn OK,” kata Mas.
“Thank God U R safe,” kata Fantasia.
Khai sembuh dari penyakitnya.
“U really got me scared there, Dai (Dai bermaksud “sayang” atau “adik perempuan” dalam Bahasa Tagalog),” kata Jasmine secara lawak.
“Why do U allow your cat to play Pavarotti?” kata Camile secara lawak.
Jasmine dan Camile mencubit Khai, dan Diana menyuruh mereka berhenti.
“Diana, U saved me,” kata Khai.
Diana berkata: “No, I have not.”
Diana mencubit Khai. Jasmine dan Camile menyuruhnya berhenti.
Saipul sembuh dari penyakitnya.
Dia dipeluk oleh Nurul, Farah, Atie, Azza, Aleya, Rina dan Marion.
Jien bertanya: “Can I hug U, Saipul?”
Nurul menjawab: “Jien, jangan jadi macam Vick dan Roslan, ya.”
Atie berkata: “Jika Saipul mau ingat masakan Itali, U mesti ingat di mana Nemo berada. U mesti hubungi Khai ataupun Diana dulu.”
Farah berkata: “U tak payah simpan rambut panjang macam Andrew, ataupun mewarnakan rambutmu macam Vick dan Azizi.
U hanya kena contact Khai untuk pastikan Nemo tak pergi restoran Itali.”
(Andrew, Azizi dan Vick juga adalah favourite Nemo. Tetapi mereka tak akan kena penyakit dari Omen, sebab rambut mereka panjang, ataupun diwarnakan)
Farah menerima panggilan HP dari Khai.
Khai berkata bahawa Nemo baru saja sampai di bilik Kelly.
Farah berkata kepada Khai: “Nemo dah sampai. Omen pula akan keluar dari bilik ni.”
Nemo mengiau, dan Omen terus ghaib.
Malay Mail Article On Malaysian Idol Grand Finals - Oct 13
WATCHING the Malaysian Idol (MI) Finale at the Arena Of Stars in Genting Highlands was totally unplanned, as far as yours truly was concerned.
I was innocently window shopping at Berjaya Times Square and ended up joining the 600-strong crowd of MI fans meeting the contest's 12
In between the finalists' performances, the emcee asked us questions, and dished out free tickets for us to witness the grand finals show and
the results show on Oct 8 and 9 respectively.
He happened to pick me ("You in the cream T-shirt") when I put up my hand and volunteered to answer his three questions on the full names of
the top-ranking MI trio, Jac, Dina and Vick.
I got it right, and thus it was the Grand Finale for me on Friday.
While I was there to enjoy myself something struck me.
Through Malaysian Idol, the spirit of muhibbah was wonderfully manisfested.
The series was proof that music is a common language and that Jac's overwhelming win was a vote for meritocracy. That we are a multi-racial
country able to put our differences aside to pick the best Malaysian as winner and represent the nation on the World Idol stage.
I have a confession to make. I only voted in the last two days of MI, and before this, I merely watched some of the weekly concerts on 8TV, and
followed only the Results Shows.
No prize for guessing who my pick was to take on Fantasia Barrino at the upcoming World Idol. Here's a clue - even Vince Chong (of Akademi Fantasia 1) and Linda Nanuwil (of Akademi Fantasia 2) were said by MI homepage surfers to be rooting for her.
The first thing I noticed when I joined the massive queue at the gates of the arena were the many MI T-shirts and visitors carrying placards and
banners of support for either Jac or Dina.
Shortly after I was ushered in amidst tight security, the crowd screamed.
Well, they couldn't help it. The 10 finalists had just entered via the red carpet. The two I immediately noticed were Vick Teo, for his height,
and Andrew Tan, for his long hair.
The screamers would also get into action each time gorgeous celebrities walked in via the red carpet. From the looks of it, apart from Jac and
Dina, the loudest screams were reserved for Roslan, Jee and Paul.
By the time hosts Jien and Aleya appeared, the 5,000-strong crowd were ecstatic.
A sense of deja vu washed over me when the 12 stylishly-dressed finalists performed an opening song together.
It reminded me of the Akademi Fantasia (AF) students singing the AF anthem Menuju Puncak at the end of every weekly AF concert.
Coincidentally, Menuju Puncak composer Aubrey Suwito, who led the orchestra for the evening, also composed Gemilang, the song which both Jac
and Dina had to sing in the finale.
Most of our seats had large orange-coloured cardboard hands with either `Jac' or `Dina' written on them.
Jac had her name written in red while Dina's was in blue.
When I found that the hands with the blue name were scattered on the floor, it was a pretty strong hint who the crowd supported.
The cheers after each song Jac and Dina sang in the competition later
also confirmed who the favourite was.
The surprise `appearance' of American Idol reigning queen Fantasia Barrino was a pleasant moment. Even if it was a videoclip recorded when
she toured Singapore recently, it was very personal and genuine.
Fantasia told Jac and Dina to "do your best and kick some butt."
She also had cute messages for judges Roslan, Gee and Paul.
The one for Roslan was especially funny.
"Please stop shoving pencils in your nose, Roslan!" said Fantasia, in reference to Roslan's habit of playing with his pencils during the judging
Jien acted as a quiz master at times. In the second evening, he quizzed the audience on who was the first, second and third American Idol seasons' winner, and who was the first, second and third American Idol seasons'
first runner-up.
While the answers of Kelly Clarkson, Ruben Studdard, Fantasia Barrino, Clay Aiken and Diana DeGarmo were heard loud and clear, nobody seemed to be able to shout `Justin Guarini', and this made Jien remark jokingly that only the female fans would remember Justin.
There were several moments that moved many of us to tears, especially the sight of Jac and Dina showing their sisterly affection from time to
If there is a monument to the spirit of muhibbah in Malaysia today, I would say go no further than the scene of Jac and Dina performing together
and declaring themselves as `Soul Sisters', and not rivals.
The other moments were the performances of MI rejects Julian Cheah and Lee Kar Wei, who were invited on stage to perform their audition songs.
Julian and Kar Wei did so with gusto, and had clearly developed a sense of self-confidence which they lacked on their respective audition days.
Good luck to them. May they re-join MI next year. While the Arena was reasonably comfortable, I do hope the organisers of future MI grand finals
would put more user-friendly features such as partitions beside the steps on the judges' stage.
I noticed that one enthusiastic fan of Roslan, Paul and Gee who went to get their autographs tripped and fell off the stage stairs. Thank goodness
she was not hurt.
As for the SMS voting, I received a complaint from one of Jac's fan that the 20-odd SMS messages she sent to 3308 bounced back, even though she voted for her Idol long before the voting was announced closed by host Jien.
While Jac and Dina both impressed me with their respective performances, so did the other 10 MI finalists namely Vick Teo (my fellow Ipoh-ite),
Andrew Tan, Saipul Bakeri, Nicolette (Nikki) Palikat, Zamil Idris, Victor Lee, Rydiana (Rydee) Rahim, Fahmy Zakaria, Sufiah Mohamad Noor and Fazly
From the cheers of the crowd, the favourites among the 10 were Nikki, Rydee and Zamil. And it was purely because they sang their songs very well
on the second day.
The choice of voters for top three seemed very Muhibbah - a Bumiputera (Dina), a Chinese (Vick) and an Indian (Jac).
I remember having dinner at a Mamak stall in Bangsar Baru when the voters chose Vick for elimination, and chose Jac and Dina for the grand
The stall owner, a Bumiputera, told me: "Thank God the voters did not vote based on race, but merit. My choice for the Malaysian Idol is Jac
even though I come from Johor Baru, Dina's state."
Syabas, Malaysia, for voting based on talent.
And to the winner Jac, congratulations. You will certainly do Malaysia proud.
That much we're sure off.
Article from the blogger - AF2 says hi to MI







KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian Idol (MI) third-placer Vick Teo was prominently filmed teasing fifth-placer Saipul Bakeri as a “pretty boy who loves pretty flowers” during one of the weekly MI concert side-shows.
Nurullah Abdul Hamid or Nurul of Akademi Fantasia Season Two (AF2) begs to differ. She is very proud of her “brave little brother” and fellow Kuching native.
Nurul, 22, said that Saipul had done Kuching and Sarawak proud, and showed youths the important lesson of humility, courage, perseverance and “being yourself”.
“I wish Saipul all the best in his music career. He must work hard, never forget his fans and be himself,” she said.
Adam (Mohd Aizam Mat Saman), 21, the AF2 second runner-up, said he was very proud of his fellow Kota Kinabalu-born contestant Rydiana (Rydee) Abdul Rahim, also 21, even though she finished ninth in MI.
He said that Rydee was a good friend who had what it takes to shine in the local music scene, as she was soulful and charismatic.
Adam also paid tribute to Nicolette (Nikki) Palikat, 19, also from Kota Kinabalu, who finished sixth in MI.
“What’s up, Nikki? Wishing you all the best,” he said.
ERA.FM disk jockey Nana or Nurul Hana Che Mahazan, 21, an Akademi Fantasia Season One (AF1) contestant, and AF2's Kaer (Wan Mohamad Khair Wan Azami), 19, sent their warmest regards to Malaysian Idol contestant Sufiah Mohd Noor.
Nana said that Sufiah, 26, should “believe in herself” and “keep up her soulful R & B performances”.
Kaer said he would love to meet up with Sufiah and enjoy a sushi meal with her.
AF2's Zarina Zainoordin, 20, said she wished MI fourth-placer Andrew Tan, also 20, all the best in his studies and singing career, and admired his courage and ability in singing both Bahasa Malaysia and English songs.
Zarina said: “Good luck to your new path, Andrew.”
AF2's Anding Zaini, 21, and Fitri Zainal Abidin, 25, praised MI eighth-placer Victor Lee, 22, as an exemplary contestant who not only believed in improving his singing abilities
but also excelling in his hair-styling profession.
Anding said: “You’ve got a bright future, Victor. All the best.”
Fitri said: “Excel in what you do, Victor. Good luck always.”
AF Kirim Salam Kepada MI
Saipul Bakeri (MI) kadangkala diejek oleh hakim MI Roslan Aziz serta pemenang tempat ketiga MI, Vick Teo, sebagai "pretty boy".
Rakan Saipul dari Kuching, Nurul Hamid (AF2) berpendapat bahawa adalah tidak adil memanggil Saipul sedemikian. Dia amat bangga dengan pencapaian "Adik Saipul" yang mendapat tempat kelima dalam MI.
Nurul berkata: "Adik Saipul seorang yang berani, sabar, jujur dan merendah diri. Dialah seorang "role model" untuk rakyat Sarawak.
"Nurul ingin mengirim salam kepada saudaraku Saipul yang dikasihi. Saya berharap Adik Saipul akan rajin belajar, berusaha memperbaiki kelemahan serta jujur dan yakin pada diri sendiri."
Adam (AF2) berasa bangga dengan pencapaian Rydee (MI) yang juga rakan sekampungnya dari Kota Kinabalu.
Katanya: "Walaupun Rydee tak dapat masuk Top 3 dalam MI, Adam amat berbangga dengannya. Rydee adalah seorang penyanyi yang penuh karisma dan "soul", serta seorang yang tidak mudah melupakan kawan lama."
Adam juga amat berbangga dengan Nikki (MI) yang juga berasal dari Kota Kinabalu.
"Adam mengucapkan syabas dan selamat maju jaya kepada Nikki. Harap dapat berjumpa dan bekerjasama tahun depan."
Nana (AF1) dan Kaer (AF2) mengirim salam kepada Sufiah (MI).
Nana berkata Sufiah seorang penyanyi R&B yang hebat dan penuh keyakinan.
Kaer berkata bahawa dia ingin makan di restoran Jepun bersama Sufiah, atau panggilan mesranya "Opie".
"Opie adalah kawan keluarga Kaer," katanya.
Zarina (AF2) kagum dengan kebolehan Andrew (MI) menyanyikan lagu Bahasa Malaysia dan Inggeris.
Dia mengucapkan syabas kepada Andrew dan menasihatinya supaya terus maju dalam pelajarannya dan nyanyiannya."
Fitri (AF2) dan Anding (AF2) mengucapkan syabas kepada Victor (MI) dan menganggapnya seorang penghibur yang "versatile".
Victor ialah seorang stylis rambut dari Pulau Pinang.
Novel 7 - Roslan shoots IF, Meor meets Adam
Meet Meor, a dedicated journalist
Meor Shariman works with The Malay Mail, an English language newspaper which is based in Kuala Lumpur.
His superior is Zainal Alam Kadir, the uncle of AF season one seventh placer Nana (Nurul Hana) Mahzan, who is also a popular DJ with Era Radio.
Other entertainment writers who are friends of the IF include John Tiong, who comes from Sibu, in Sarawak, and Joe Lee, who is a friend of Zahid Baharuddin (AF season two champion).
It is one of those evenings when Adam Mohd Saman hangs out at Starbucks Coffee in Bintang Walk, Kuala Lumpur, with fellow Idols from a different franchise, Nikki Palikat and Rydee Rahim.
And of course, the Idol Fellowship’s cat, Nemo.
By coincidence, Meor Shariman of The Malay Mail is in Bintang Walk and spots Adam, his favourite Akademi Fantasia Idol.
“Hello, Adam! Apa khabar? (How are U?)” says Meor.
Adam reciprocates, followed by Nikki and Rydee.
“Hi, Nemo!” says Meor.
Meor says: “Adam, I’m a big fan of yours and I’ve been waiting to do this.”
Meor hugs Adam, and congratulates him on his acting debut.
Adam asks Meor: “U not hugging Nikki and Rydee?”
Meor replies: “No, I don’t think so. Kena ikut rules sikit. (Gotta follow rules a little)”
For the next hour, Meor has an interesting conversation with Adam, Rydee and Nikki.
The East Malaysian trio tell Meor that The Malay Mail is their favourite English evening daily, and that it always gives good coverage for MI and AF.
Meor tries to ask Adam some nosey questions, but Nikki and Rydee tactfully fend off those questions with funny answers.
For example, Meor asks Adam when was the last time Farah Anuar (AF fourth placer) visited him at Sugar Bun, Beach Street.
Rydee replies: “Hello! We always meet up at Beach Street. All the MI and AF Idols.”
Nikki adds: “If you want to know where Farah Anuar hangs out, ask Saipul Bakeri (MI fifth placer) and Nurul Hamid (AF eighth placer). I guess it’s Kuching Waterfront.”
Meor invites Adam to visit his house.
He says that he has lots of VCDs and CDs at home.
“That’s wonderful, Mr Meor. I do hope to visit some of you guys from The Malay Mail,” he says.
Meor subsequently says goodnight to the East Malaysians, and returns home.
Adam tells Nikki and Rydee: “He is a nice chap and I would love to visit his house, tapi Adam takut sikit (that means “I’m a little scared of him”).”
Rydee notices that Adam has a slight nose-bleed and pinches his nose firmly. Nikki quickly takes an ice-cube out of her drink and rubs it on Adam’s face.
“Why must U be so afraid of Mr Meor? He is only trying to be nice,” says Nikki.
Rydee adds: “Nobody in The Malay Mail would go overboard. They have always been our friends.”
Nikki strokes Nemo with her hand phone and contacts an American Idol finalist who has a calming effect on Adam, and who is their best friend in the IF.
She is none other than sweet Diana DeGarmo.
Diana appears in front of the East Malaysians, wearing a very short pair of shorts.
“Sorry, folks. I may not be dressed appropriately. I was in my bedroom earlier,” she says.
Nikki says: “It’s OK, Diana. This is Bintang Walk, one of the most happening parts of Kuala Lumpur.”
Diana tells Adam: “It’s OK, Adam. Your ketchup bottle problem is over.”
Rydee releases Adam’s nose from her iron grip.
Adam says: “Thanks, Diana. You are truly magical, and sexy.”
At a leading shopping centre in Kuala Lumpur, a photo session involving Malaysian Idol and Akademi Fantasia stars is being organised.
The producers of both reality television shows are co-organisers of the event. It is sponsored by 2 television stations and two leading telecommunications companies.
The photo session is specially for the entertainment media and individuals who made the 2 shows a success.
One of them is Roslan Aziz, a judge of Malaysian Idol.
He is making MI and AF contestants pose stylishly before his camera.
One of Roslan’s favourite MI contestants, Dina Nadzir, is made to pose with AF season 2 winner Zahid Baharuddin and AF season 1 number two Khairul Nizam Wahi (Khai), and his pet cat Nemo.
Roslan makes Dina sit on a chair, while Khai and Zahid stand behind her.
Roslan also makes Dina hold on to Nemo.
Dina tells Khai: “Shall I contact Jasmine Trias? You don’t look well today, Khai.”
Khai says: “I’m OK. Get back to work.”
Zahid says: “Dina, I guess we should let Khai sit down and we should stand up.”
Zahid and Dina thus stand behind Khai, who sits on the chair and holds on to Nemo.
Dina says, playfully: “Where’s Diana DeGarmo?”
Nemo pricks up his ears and meows.
“Hush, Dina!” says Zahid. “Nemo might fly off to Georgia”.
Roslan tells the trio: “OK everybody, say Nemo!”
The photo shoot is a success. Only one problem. Khai did not smile as broadly as Zahid and Dina.
Hafidah Samat and Amir Hafizi, two respected entertainment journalists who are also amateur photographers, join Roslan in the photo session.
The three photographers arrange for Bob Usop, Rosma Sidik, Fitri Zainal Abidin and Anding Zaini to pose together.
“Let Bob have the seat,” says Anding.
“I think it should be Fitri’s since he is the eldest among us,” says Rosma.
Amir says: “Yes, let Fitri sit and the rest of you stand. Fitri looks like a Yakuza don, and the rest of you look like his henchmen.”
“Excuse me,” says Rosma.
Amir says: “Sorry, I mean the rest of you guys.”
Hafidah gets Saipul Bakeri, Nurul Hamid, Farah Anuar, Azizi Mohamad and Vick Teo to pose together.
Saipul tells Hafidah: “U can pass of as Jaclyn’s long lost cousin.”
Nurul and Farah agree.
“Jac knows about this. I interviewed her recently,” says Hafidah.
Saipul insists on having the chair, even though Nurul advises him to reserve it for Azizi, the eldest of the group.
Vick says: “Guess Azizi and I will stand on the side of the photo. After all we are both lions.”
Azizi says: “Yes, I’m born under the dragon, and the dragon becomes a lion.”
Hafidah tells Farah to wear her hand phone around her neck, since the hand phone which rings “Breep!” is Farah’s trade mark.
Farah tells Saipul: “On second thoughts, I am glad that you are sitting and not standing next to Vick. He might start sending you flowers again!”
Saipul sits on the chair, and Farah and Nurul stand behind him. Cheeky Hafidah orders Nurul and Farah to play with Saipul’s spiky hair, and they sportingly do so.
Azizi and Vick stand on either side of Saipul.
Roslan, a poetry lover, gets fellow poetry lover Zarina Zainoordin to pose with her close friend Edlin Rahim, Liza Ismail, Nija Tahar and Andrew Tan.
Zarina tells Andrew to sit down.
“Why don’t you unwind your pony tail, Andrew?” asks Zarina.
Andrew replies, jokingly: “Today isn’t my good hair day.”
Edlin suggests: “Perhaps U should do the Bob Marley thing some day.”
“Sorry I ain’t got the right look for Mr Marley’s successor. I’m more of a Bee Gees fan,” says Andrew.
Zarina tells Nija and Liza to stand behind Andrew, while she and Edlin stand on either side of Andrew.
She says: “The 3 of you are men and women of superlatives.
“Andrew is the MI guy with the longest hair. Nija is the AF star from the southernmost tip of Asia. Liza is the AF star from the wettest town in Malaysia.”
Fahmy Zakaria, Fazly Zainal, Kaer Azami, Nana Mahazan and Sufiah Mohamad Noor are made to pose together by Amir.
Amir tells Kaer to sit down, and Fahmy and Fazly to stand on either side of him.
“One of U is shaking. I can’t take a photo,” says Amir.
Nana feels Kaer’s pulse and says: “U R right.”
Amir says: “Kaer, please relax. This camera will not hurt you.”
Nana and Sufiah calm Kaer down.
They tell him: "We'll be meeting Diana DeGarmo later today."
Sufiah tells Kaer: “I think I know why U were nervous just now. Jenny Malai Ali of Filusic walked past us.”
Hafidah gets Victor Lee, Zamil Idris, Sahri Sarip and Adi Fashla Juraimi to pose together. She tells Zamil to take the seat, while Sahri and Adi Fashla stand on either side of him.
“Please relax, guys! Don’t look so serious,” says Hafidah.
Zamil says: “It would be better if U joined us in the photo, Fida.”
Amir tells Hafidah: “Yes, go for it.”
Hafidah sportingly joins the guys in the photo.
Victor comments: “U do look like a cousin of Jaclyn.”
Adi Fashla and Sahri both agree.
Roslan makes Adam, Nikki, Rydee, Atie Abu Bakar and Azza Suhaimi pose together.
He tells Adam to take the seat, and tells Atie and Rydee to stand behind him.
Adam is exceptionally quiet and calm during the photo session.
Atie and Rydee place their hands on Adam.
Rydee and Nikki are a little surprised that their chatty friend from Kota Kinabalu is so relaxed.
Atie taps Adam’s shoulder.
He begins to speak again.
“I felt that someone had plastered my mouth for a few minutes,” Adam says.
Atie says: “Maybe Nemo has given me the gift of pacifying you. Just as Diana DeGarmo has a calming effect on you.”
Azza says: “When we interact with Nemo, we all receive special gifts. I have not discovered mine yet.”
Adam says: "Oh, yes U have. When U take a photo of me alone, a cute white rabbit's photo emerges. Remember our last visit to Genting Highlands?"
Nikki says: “Atie, that was really cool. You are from Bentong district, also called the Gap District (Genting means Gap). And you have the power to shut Adam’s gap and reopen it.”
Rydee says: “Perhaps, US fashion label The Gap should make you their spokesperson.”
Meor later meets Adam in the shopping centre. Adam tells Meor that he would love to visit the entertainment writer and view his VCD collection.
“It would be great to visit your place, Mr Meor,” says Adam.
“At first I hesitated because I am always mindful of avoiding pirated VCDs and pornographic VCDs.
“But I have confidence in Malay Mail staff because they come from The Paper That Cares.”
Hafidah tells Jaclyn: “Send my regards to Fantasia Barrino.”
Jaclyn says: “Don’t worry, Fida. I’ll tell her that the Fantasia Barrino of The New Straits Times says hello.”
Hafidah tells Vince to send her warmest regards to Kelly Clarkson.
Vince replies: “Her latest hit song Breakaway from The Princess Diaries 2 soundtrack is dedicated to all young people who dare to dream. That’s all of us, including you.”
Novel 7 - Roslan Ambil Gambar IF, Meor Jumpa Adam
Meor Shariman adalah seorang wartawan hiburan di The Malay Mail, sebuah surat khabar Bahasa Inggeris yang beribu pejabat di Kuala Lumpur.
Bosnya ialah Zainal Alam Kadir, pakcik kepada pemenang tempat ke-7 AF1, Nana (Nurul Hana) Mahazan, yang juga DJ Era.FM.
Wartawan lain yang berkawan baik dengan IF ialah John Tiong dari Sibu, Sarawak, dan Joe Lee, kawan karib Zahid Baharuddin (juara AF2).
Pada suatu petang di Starbucks Coffee, Bintang Walk, pemenang tempat ke-3 AF2, Adam (Mohd Aizam) Mat Saman bersembang dengan kakak angkatnya Rydiana (Rydee) Rahim, pemenang tempat ke-9 MI, dan kawan mereka, Nicolette (Nikki) Palikat, pemenang tempat ke-6 MI.
Nemo, maskot IF, berada di sisi mereka.
Meor sedang berjalan-jalan di Bintang Walk dan berjumpa dengan ketiga-tiga orang penyanyi dari Sabah itu.
“Hello, Adam! Apa khabar?” tanya Meor.
Adam pun menjawab, diikuti oleh Rydee dan Nikki.
“Hi, Nemo!” kata Meor.
Meor berkata: “Adam, saya ni peminat setia kamu.”
Meor memeluk Adam dan mengucapkan tahniah ke atas penglibatan Adam dalam bidang lakonan.
Adam bertanya: “U tak peluk Rydee dan Nikki?”
Meor menjawab: “Tak boleh. Kena ikut rules sikit.”
Meor bersembang dengan Adam, Rydee dan Nikki selama sejam.
Ketiga-tiga penyanyi itu berkata bahawa mereka adalah pembaca setia The Malay Mail.
Mereka menyokong The Malay Mail kerana banyak memberi publisiti kepada MI dan AF.
Meor cuba bertanya kepada Adam beberapa soalan sensitif, tetapi Rydee dan Nikki dengan cepatnya “menangkis serangan” Meor.
Sebagai contoh, Meor bertanya bilakah Farah Anuar (pemenang tempat ke-4 AF2) “dating” dengan Adam di restoran Sugar Bun, Beach Street, Kota Kinabalu.
Rydee menjawab: “Hello! We always meet up at Beach Street. All the Idols.”
Nikki menambah: “If you want to know where Farah hangs out, ask Saipul Bakeri (pemenang tempat ke-5 MI) and Nurul Hamid (pemenang tempat ke-8 AF2). I guess it’s Kuching Waterfront.”
Meor menjemput Adam ke rumahnya.
Katanya, ada banyak VCD dan CD di rumahnya.
“Bestnya, Mr Meor. Jika Adam free, Adam akan lawat The Malay Mail,” kata Adam.
Meor mengucapkan selamat malam kepada ketiga-tiga penyanyi dari Sabah itu.
Adam berkata kepada Rydee dan Nikki: “He is a nice chap and I would love to visit his house, tapi Adam takut sikit.”
Rydee mendapati hidung Adam berdarah dan memicit hidung “adik” kesayangannya.
Nikki mengambil seketul ais dari cawannya dan mengesat muka Adam dengannya.
“Why must U be so afraid of Mr Meor? He is only trying to be nice,” kata Nikki.
Rydee menambah: “Nobody in The Malay Mail would go overboard. They have always been our friends.”
Nikki membelai Nemo dengan HPnya dan menghubungi Diana De Garmo.
Diana mempunyai kuasa untuk menenangkan Adam.
Diana juga adalah penyanyi favourite Nikki dan Adam dalam AI.
Diana muncul di depan mereka, dengan seluar yang amat pendek.
“Sorry, folks. I may not be dressed appropriately. I was in my bedroom earlier,” kata Diana.
Nikki berkata: “It’s OK, Diana. This is Bintang Walk, one of the most happening parts of Kuala Lumpur.”
Diana berkata: “It’s OK, Adam. Your ketchup bottle problem is over.”
Rydee melepaskan hidung Adam dari cengkamannya.
Adam berkata: “Thanks, Diana. You are truly magical, and sexy.”
Di sebuah pusat membeli-belah di Kuala Lumpur, bintang AF dan MI sedang bergambar bersama-sama.
Penerbit AF dan MI adalah penganjur sesi gambar ini.
Sesi gambar ini ditaja oleh 2 stesen TV dan 2 syarikat telekomunikasi terkemuka di Malaysia.
Sesi gambar ini adalah khas untuk wakil media dan individu yang terlibat dalam penerbitan MI dan AF.
Hakim MI, Roslan Aziz, hadir di majlis ini.
Dia mengambil foto penyanyi MI dan AF yang berposing bersama-sama.
Dina Nadzir disuruh berposing dengan Khairul Nizam (Khai) Mohd Wahi, naib juara AF1 dan Zahid Baharuddin, juara AF2, serta Nemo, kucing kesayangan Khai.
Dina diminta duduk di atas kerusi, manakala Khai dan Zahid kena berdiri di belakang Dina.
Dina juga diminta memegang Nemo.
Dina memberitahu Khai: “Shall I contact Jasmine Trias? You don’t look well today, Khai.”
Khai berkata: “I’m OK. Get back to work.”
Zahid berkata: “Dina, saya rasa Khai kena duduklah.”
Zahid dan Dina berdiri di belakang Khai, dan Khai duduk di atas kerusi sambil memeluk Nemo.
Dina berkata, secara lawak: “Where’s Diana DeGarmo?”
Telinga Nemo naik, dan kucing itu mengiau.
“Esh, Dina!” kata Zahid. “Nemo mungkin terbang ke Georgia”.
Roslan berkata: “OK everybody, say Nemo!”
Gambar yang terhasil amat terang.
Tetapi senyuman Khai kurang menawan berbanding senyuman Zahid dan Dina.(Mungkin senyuman Khai lebih hebat jika dia dipeluk oleh Jasmine Trias, idolanya dari AI)
Hafidah Samat dan Amir Hafizi, dua orang wartawan dari The New Straits Times Press (ibu syarikat The Malay Mail), turut mengambil gambar penyanyi AF dan MI.
Amir menyuruh Bob Usop, Rosma Sidik, Fitri Zainal Abidin dan Anding Zaini berposing bersama-sama.
“Bagi Bob duduk,” kata Anding.
“Fitri harus duduklah. Dia paling sulung,” kata Rosma.
Amir berkata: “Yes, let Fitri sit and the rest of you stand. Fitri macam bos Yakuza, dan kamu semua macam gengster jantannya.”
“Excuse me,” kata Rosma.
Amir berkata: “Sorry, I mean the rest of you guys.”
Hafidah menyuruh Saipul Bakeri, Nurul Hamid, Farah Anuar, Azizi Mohamad dan Vick Teo berposing bersama-sama.
Saipul berkata kepada Hafidah: “Kak macam sepupu Jac lah. Muka sama saja.”
Nurul dan Farah bersetuju.
“Jac tau pasal ni. Kak baru saja interbiu dia,” kata Hafidah.
Saipul duduk di atas kerusi, tetapi Nurul menyuruhnya mengosongkan kerusi itu untuk Azizi, artis AF dan MI yang paling sulung.
Vick berkata: “Guess Azizi and I will stand on the side of the photo. After all we are both lions.”
Azizi berkata: “Ya, saya ni lahir tahun naga, atau singa.”
Hafidah menyuruh Farah memakai HPnya pada rantai lehernya.
HP itu adalah trade mark Farah dan ia kerap membunyikan “Breep! Breep!”
Farah berkata kepada Saipul: “Saipul, saya rasa lebih baik U duduk saja. Jika U berdiri sama Vick, mungkin dia hantar bunga untuk U lagi!”
Saipul duduk di atas kerusi. Nurul dan Farah berdiri di belakangnya.
Hafidah menyuruh Nurul dan Farah membelai rambut Saipul yang menegak, dan mereka berbuat demikian.
Azizi dan Vick berdiri di sisi Saipul.
Roslan, seorang penggemar puisi, menyuruh Zarina Zainoordin, juga penggemar puisi, berposing dengan kawan karibnya Edlin Rahim, serta Liza Ismail, Nija Tahar dan Andrew Tan, iaitu rakan sekolah Edlin.
Zarina menyuruh Andrew duduk.
“Why don’t you unwind your pony tail, Andrew?” tanya Zarina.
Andrew menjawab, secara lawak: “Today isn’t my good hair day.”
Edlin berkata: “Sayang, perhaps U should do the Bob Marley thing some day.”
“Sorry I ain’t got the right look for Mr Marley’s successor. I’m more of a Bee Gees fan,” kata Andrew.
Zarina menyuruh Liza dan Nija berdiri di belakang Andrew. Zarina dan Edlin berdiri di sisi Andrew. Zarina berkata: “Kamu bertiga memang pemegang rekod AF dan MI.
Andrew adalah “MI guy with the longest hair”. Nija ialah bintang AF dari bandar paling ke selatan Asia. Liza ialah bintang AF dari bandar paling lebat hujannya di Malaysia.”
Fahmy Zakaria, Fazly Zainal, Kaer Azami, Nana Mahazan dan Sufiah Mohamad Noor disuruh berposing oleh Amir.
Amir menyuruh Kaer duduk. Fahmy dan Fazly disuruh berdiri di sisinya.
“One of U is shaking. I can’t take a photo,” kata Amir.
Nana memegang tangan Kaer dan berkata: “U R right.”
Amir berkata: “Kaer, please relax. This camera will not hurt you.”
Nana dan Sufiah menenangkan Kaer.
Mereka berkata: “Petang nanti kita akan jumpa Diana DeGarmo.”
Sufiah berkata: “I think I know why U were nervous just now. Jenny Malai Ali of Filusic walked past us.”
Hafidah menyuruh Victor Lee, Zamil Idris, Sahri Sarip dan Adi Fashla Juraimi berposing bersama-sama.
Zamil disuruh duduk. Sahri dan Adi Fashla disuruh berdiri di sisinya.
“Please relax, guys! Jangan serius sangat,” kata Hafidah.
Zamil berkata: “Tolong join kami dalam foto ni, Kak Fida.”
Amir berkata kepada Hafidah: “Yes, go for it.”
Hafidah pun berposing dengan kawannya dari MI dan AF.
Victor berkata: “U do look like a cousin of Jaclyn.”
Adi Fashla dan Sahri bersetuju.
Roslan menyuruh Adam, Nikki, Rydee, Atie Abu Bakar dan Azza Suaymi berposing bersama-sama.
Dia menyuruh Adam duduk. Atie dan Rydee disuruh berdiri di belakangnya.
Adam berdiam diri semasa sesi foto.
Atie dan Rydee memegang bahu Adam.
Rydee dan Nikki berasa hairan kenapa Adam, yang biasanya banyak bercakap, mendiamkan diri untuk seketika.
Atie menjentik bahu Adam.Dia mula bercakap semula.
“Adam rasa dah hilang suara seketika,” kata Adam.
Atie berkata: “Mungkin Nemo bagi Atie power untuk kunci suara Adam. Sama macam Diana DeGarmo, yang ada kuasa untuk tenangkan Adam.”
Azza berkata: “Kita semua ada power istimewa yang diberi oleh Nemo. Azza belum tau apa power yang Azza dapat.”
Adam berkata: “U punya power ialah menghasilkan gambar arnab apabila mengambil foto Adam. Dan menghasilkan gambar kucing apabila mengambil foto Saipul. Ingat masa di Genting Highlands dulu?”
Nikki berkata: “Atie, that was really cool. You are from Bentong district, also called the Gap District. And you have the power to shut Adam’s gap and reopen it.”
Rydee berkata: “Perhaps, US fashion label The Gap should make you their spokesperson.”
Meor berjumpa Adam di pusat membeli-belah itu.
Adam memberitahu Meor bahawa dia ingin melawat rumah Meor untuk melihat koleksi VCDnya.
“It would be great to visit your place, Mr Meor,” kata Adam.
“Pada mulanya Adam takut sebab tak mau tengok VCD lucah ataupun VCD cetak rompak.
“Tapi saya akhirnya sedar bahawa wartawan The Malay Mail memang “clean”.”
Hafidah berkata kepada Jaclyn: “Send my regards to Fantasia Barrino.”
Jaclyn berkata: “Don’t worry, Fida. I’ll tell her that the Fantasia Barrino of The New Straits Times says hello.”
Hafidah menyuruh Vince mengirim salamnya kepada Kelly Clarkson.
Vince berkata: “Her latest hit song Breakaway from The Princess Diaries 2 soundtrack is dedicated to all young people who dare to dream. That’s all of us, including you.”
Novel 6 - IF @ Sutera Harbour With William Hung
The first novel with all 24 Akademi Fantasia participants teaming up with the 12 Malaysian Idol finalists and 9 American Idol top threes.
This novel is narrated by Nemo, the central character of the Idol Fellowship tales.
Nemo is a cuddly Persian cat belonging to Khairul Nizam Wahi, the second placer for the first season of Akademi Fantasia.
Khairul or Khai is the Runners-Up Vice President of the Idol Fellowship.
Nemo is a magical cat. He can teleport all Idol Fellowship members to any place they want.
The IF is a gathering of all 24 AF participants, 12 MI finalists and 9 AI top threes.
Saipul Bakeri is in his bedroom with Nemo. He is the fifth placer in the Malaysian Idol contest. He is spending two nights at the Sutera Harbour Resort Hotel in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
This hotel is the city’s most luxurious.
The AF 24 and MI 12 are to perform together for the first time in the hotel the following day.
Saipul asks Nemo to take him where he has been.
In a flash, Saipul is teleported to the summit of Mount Serapi in the west of Kuching, his hometown.
Saipul says: “This must be the abode of Sejinjang.”
Just then, the one who is nicknamed Princess Sejinjang appears. She is AF season two eighth placer Nurul Hamid, a close friend of Saipul, who also hails from Kuching (The Cat City).
“What are you doing here, Nurul?” asks Saipul.
“I’m clueless, Saipul. Nemo brought me here when I touched him. Perhaps we should move on to Farah’s favourite mountain,” says Nurul.
In a flash, Nemo teleports Saipul and Nurul to Mount Santubong, in the east of Kuching.
“Hoi! Apa U buat ni, Saipul. Jangan intip kak (Please stop spying at me, Saipul),” says Farah.
Farah is nicknamed Princess Santubong by her Akademi Fantasia and Malaysian Idol friends.
Santubong and Sejinjang are fairies who protect the two high, coastal mountains that sandwich Kuching city.
They are characters in Bruneian mythology during Hindu times.
Farah’s real name is Farah Diana Anuar. She is the Akademi Fantasia season two’s fourth placer.
Not a Sarawakian, but a Kuala Lumpur-born, Farah is the best friend of Nurul.
Both Farah and Saipul are 19 (Saipul is 18, sorry), while Nurul is 22.
Nurul tells Farah: “Nemo brought us here.”
Farah replies: “He brought me here, too. Perhaps, it would not be a bad idea if Nemo brings us to one of his favourite mountain getaways outside our country.”
Saipul’s feet get wobbly. “No way,” he says.
Nurul and Farah hold Saipul’s nervous hands. Farah strokes Nemo.
The four of them disappear, and reappear at the Yellow Mountains in Anhui, China.
At the Yellow Mountains, Saipul, Nurul and Farah emerge on one of its highest peaks, the Brightness Peak which is 1680 metres high. Nobody is around, but the three of them.
“Amazing view. This is a dream come true,” says Nurul.
“I’ve entered the paintings on my wall I think,” says Farah.
“It’s freezing. But it’s a splendid view from here,” says Saipul.
Nurul pinches Saipul’s nose. “We’ve just got a bleeder,” she says.
Farah tells Saipul: “Saipul, I don’t think you are used to drastic climatic change. Let’s get to a warmer place, the pine forest below us.”
Nemo teleports Farah, Nurul and Saipul to the pine forest.
Coincidentally, Fitri Zainal Abidin (AF season two’s number 11) and Anding Zaini (AF season two’s number 10) are taking a walk in the forest.
Fitri tells Anding: “Perhaps you can do a home video here.”
Anding says: “Not this time. I just wanna take a break.”
They meet Saipul, Nurul and Farah.
Fitri says: “Poor Saipul. He’s not used to the weather. Keep him warm, Farah and Nurul.”
“We are. We are,” says Farah. Nurul and Farah both have their hands on Saipul, and Nurul continues to pinch Saipul’s nose.
Adi Fashla Juraimi (AF season one’s number 11) and Sahri Sarip (AF season one’s number 6) arrive in the pine forest.
A few minutes later, Zarina Zainoordin (AF season two’s number 9) and Edlin Rahim (AF season two’s number 12) arrive.
Azza Suhaimi (AF season one’s number 12) and Atie Abu Bakar (AF season one’s number 10) come right behind them.
Zarina tells Saipul: “Relax, Saipul. Don’t worry. Santubong and Sejinjang around means you are in safe hands.”
Edlin says: “In other words, you can rely on Nurul and Farah. They love and care for you.”
Fitri says: “I’m glad to be in China during the 600th year of Malaysia-China friendship ties.”
Anding says: “Yes, the peoples of Malaysia and China have a common root in the Tibetan highlands, the source of the mighty Yangzi.”
Malaccans Sahri and Edlin tell Fitri that Malaysia-China ties actually began much earlier than the last 600 years.
“The number 600 is merely to commemorate ties between ancient Malacca and China. Ancient Malacca is the first literal account of our nation’s past, and it is by no means the first,” says Sahri.
Anding, a Sarawakian from the Melanau tribe, says: “Nurul and Saipul, your ancestors were the biggest birds nest exporters to China long ago.
“Brunei was China’s main birds nest supplier in the early times.”
Nurul tells Anding: “Perhaps your ancestors supplied sago to China.”
Anding says: “Definitely. That is why the Fujian folks made their way to Sibu during British colonial rule. Our friend, John Tiong, the entertainment writer, is from them.”
Saipul is finally home in the hotel, outside his room. Nurul has released his nose from her iron grip.
Saipul takes the card key from his pocket to open the door.
Nurul, Farah, Fitri, Anding, Sahri, Adi, Azza, Atie, Edlin, Zarina, Nija Tahar (AF season one’s number four) and Liza Ismail (AF season one’s number five) are with him.
“Drat! My hands are frozen,” says Saipul.
“I can’t open the door!”
“Relax, Saipul,” says Nurul.
Nurul, Farah, Azza, Atie, Edlin, Zarina, Nija and Liza stroke Saipul’s back to calm him down.
“Try again,” says Farah.
Saipul finally opens his room door.
“My hands must have been frozen atop the Yellow Mountains,” he says.
“Can we come in,” asks Nija, jokingly.
“Nija!” says Liza.
“No way, folks. Only Nemo can enter,” says Saipul.
“See you later, folks.”
In another room Fahmy Zakaria (MI number 10) and Fazly Zainal (MI number 12) peek out of their window to look at the swimming pool below.
They see popular recording artiste and Malaysian Idol judge (Paula Abdul of Malaysia) Fauziah Latiff (affectionately called Kak Gee) swimming.
“Wow!” says Fahmy to Fazly. “Isn’t this a great view?”
Fazly says: “She’s got an itsy bitsy, teeny weeny, yellow polka dot bikini.”
Fahmy says: “No lah! She doesn’t.”
Azizi Mohamad (AF season one’s number three) knocks on their door.
Fazly opens the door.
Azizi tells Fazly and Fahmy: “OK, the show is over. Let’s go down and meet Kak Gee. But first, let’s meet Vick, Victor, Andrew, Zamil, Fitri, Anding, Adi and Sahri in the jacuzzi and spa.”
Azizi, Fahmy and Fazly join Vick Teo, Andrew Tan, Zamil Idris and Victor Lee of MI, and Fitri, Anding, Adi and Sahri of AF in a hot bath.
“This is the greatest dip I have had,” says Azizi.
“Too bad I cannot share my butterscotch ice-cream with you guys.”
Fauziah Latiff comes out of the changing room and takes a seat at a table opposite the swimming pool.
With her is Khairul Nizam Wahi (Khai), his cat Nemo, and his closest American Idol friends, Jasmine Trias, Diana DeGarmo, Nicole McKibbin and Kimberley Locke.
Nemo sits on Khai’s lap. After a while, the cat jumps on Diana’s lap.
Diana hands over Nemo to Khai. And Khai passes his pet on to Jasmine, Nicole, Kimberley and Fauziah.
Gee tells Khai not to be worried and bothered by media gossip. She says: “You get the worst of it in the West, Khai. So, take it all with a pinch of salt.”
Gee also tells Khai to avoid looking sour-faced before the camera, and to always smile.
She asks Jasmine how the American Idols find Khai. Jasmine replies that Khai is decent and loveable, but he needs to toughen up more.
Diana chips in playfully, and says that Khai can be a bit of a flirt. Jasmine tells Diana to shut up.
Jasmine and Diana rub Khai’s back. Gee holds Khai’s hands, assuring him of her moral support.
Zahid Baharuddin (AF season two winner), Dina Nadzir of Malaysian Idol, and Rosma Sidik (AF season one eighth placer) are sipping sugar cane juice at the Sugar Bun restaurant in Beach Street, Kota Kinabalu.
This is a regular IF meeting place.
Nemo appears, and Rosma picks him up. Rosma asks Nemo where is Khai, and after stroking the cat, she sees Khai at the poolside with Gee, Jasmine, Diana, Nicole and Kimberley.
“How’s Khai, Rosma?” asks Zahid.
“He is in safe Hawaiian and Mexican hands,” Rosma replies, with a smile.
Zahid smiles back. He says: “I knew it. Jas and Di always hang out with him.”
Zahid shows Dina his orange teddy bear, with an Akademi Fantasia tag around its neck.
Dina in return shows Zahid her green teddy bear with a Malaysian Idol tag around its neck.
They both turn to Rosma and ask her: “What colour is your teddy?”
Rosma says: “Perhaps, beige, or chocolate brown. Zahid, I can conclude that you love fresh orange, and Dina, I see you have been drinking alfalfa juice.”
“Amazing,” says Zahid.
“Right on target,” says Dina.
Zahid asks Rosma: “Where is Bob? I have not seen him the whole day.”
Rosma replies: “He is now having a swim with Rueben (Thevandran, AF season one ninth placer).”
Bob Usop (AF season two fifth placer) and Rueben enter the lift after their swim in the hotel swimming pool and head to Vince Chong’s room (Vince is the AF season one winner).
Vince, who has been surfing the Net, greets them at the door.
Bob and Rueben hand Vince a Don McLean CD.
Bob says: “Vince, you will love the song dedicated to you, Vincent.”
“Thanks, Bob. Thanks, Burn,” Vince says. “I’ll meet you guys at dinner later. I don’t feel too well right now.”
Rueben reminds Vince that American Idols William Hung, Camile Velasco, Tamyra Gray, Latoya London and Jennifer Hudson, and Australian Idol Guy Sebastian, will be joining them.
Likewise with Malaysian Idol hosts Su Kui Jien (Jien) and Aleya Yahya, and AF host Aznil Nawawi.
In the Beach Street Japanese restaurant, Adam Mohamad Saman (AF season two third placer) and his fellow Sabahans Nikki Palikat (MI sixth placer) and Rydee Rahim (MI ninth placer) are seated at a table with Kaer Azami (AF season two sixth placer), Nana Mahzan (AF season one seventh placer) and Sufiah Mohamad Noor (MI 11th placer).
Adam tells Nikki and Rydee that Kaer shares a similar name with his younger brother, Kaer Mohamad Saman.
Kaer asks Adam if he would like to participate in the entertainment quiz show Filusic shown on 8TV, the country’s newest private television channel.
Adam replies: “No way, Kaer. I don’t have as good a grasp of entertainment information as you do.”
Nikki and Rydee stroke Adam’s back. Nikki tells Kaer: “Adam is just nervous. If the three of us are in the show together, he might thrash us nicely.”
Nana tells Nikki and Rydee: “This is what happened to Kaer when the three of us were in Filusic together last week. Kaer was a bundle of nerves.”
Sufiah tells Nikki and Rydee that Kaer was very nervous when he was in the show, and she and Nana had to stroke him a lot to calm him down.
She says: “At the end of the day, Kaer beat us flat. In the second round, he went on a winning spree.”
Kaer says: “I won a William Hung T-shirt which read, I Have No Professional Training”.
Adam asks Kaer: “Where is it now?”
Kaer says: “At home.”
Adam tells Kaer that they will be meeting William later in the evening.
Brunei’s most famous twins, television presenters Paula Malai Ali and Jenny Malai Ali move over to Kaer’s table. Jenny is the host of Filusic. She tells Kaer: “Relax, Kaer! You are doing great.”
The Malai Ali twins hold Kaer’s hands. “Take care of him, Sufiah and Nana,” they tell Kaer’s team mates.
Nana introduces the Malai Ali twins to Adam, Nikki and Rydee.
“Perhaps you should invite the Sabahan trio to your quiz show,” she says.
Rydee says: “You might have a feeling of deja vu. Adam is equally a bundle of nerves.”
Adam protests. “No, I’m not,” he says.
“Cool it,” says Nikki, holding Adam’s hand. Rydee also clutches Adam’s hand.
Paula asks Nana: “How is Mr Zainal Alam Kadir doing?”
Nana replies: “Kaer and I performed with him recently. He is always full of surprises.”
Kaer says: “Yes, I did a duet with Zainal Alam Kadir, and I did not feel nervous at all.”
The eight of them subsequently pose for a photograph in Beach Street before returning to the hotel.
Nikki and Rydee congratulate Kaer for being the only Malaysian entertainer to cool down Kelly Clarkson and Diana DeGarmo with his very presence before them.
The following evening, the Malaysian Idol and Akademi Fantasia joint concert is held at the Sutera Harbour Resort.
Among the guests at the concert are the Sabah state chief minister Musa Aman and his deputy Joseph Pairin Kitingan, who hails from Nikki Palikat’s ancestral home, Tambunan.
Fauziah Latiff is also present, and she sits with Nana Mahzan’s boss from Era Radio, Kudsia Kahar, who was also the main judge in Akademi Fantasia.
Aznil, Aleya and Jien are the joint hosts for the evening.
William Hung makes a guest appearance, and he performs an English song popularised by the late Malaysian king of pop Sudirman Arshad (the Freddie Mercury of Malaysia, who died in 1992).
It is called A Thousand Million Smiles.
Many people are moved by Hung’s rendition of Sudirman’s hit song which won him the award of Asia’s Number One Entertainer in 1989.
Even Hung’s critics, Kudsia and Gee, are moved to tears. Hung is known for singing out of tune, but he surprisingly hits all the right notes in his first Malaysian performance.
American Idol’s Latoya London, Jennifer Hudson, Camile Velasco and Tamyra Gray also make guest appearances.
Likewise with Australian Idol Guy Sebastian.
Aznil tells Jien and Aleya: “The presence of the Idols from America and Australia is the ultimate Kejutan (Surprise), as we in AF always say.”
At the end of the concert, Musa and Kitingan shake hands with all the entertainers.
After the concert, the AF and MI entertainers join the 9 AI top threes, and surprise visitors Hung, Gray, London, Hudson, Velasco and Sebastian at the poolside restaurant.
The hosts and Fauziah Latiff also join them.
Kelly and Fantasia tell Velasco, Hung, Gray, London and Hudson about Vince. Guy says that he is a family friend of Rueben, Vince’s long time friend from AF season one.
Trias and DeGarmo introduce Velasco to Khai and Nemo.
Hung also greets Adam, and tells him that he, too, is a “rabbit” (carrot lover).
Gray, London and Hudson tell Vince he is very romantic, and hug him lovingly.
Velasco also tells this to Khai, and hugs him tightly.
“The pussycat king is a magnet for the Manila maidens,” says Diana.
“No, Di. Khai, Camile and I were hatched from the same nest,” says Jasmine.
Back in Vince’s bedroom, Bob has a talk with Vince. Bob apologises for dedicating Vincent to Vince.
He says he did not realise that the song was about suicidal Vincent Van Gogh.
“Sorry, Vince. Vincent was actually for Kirk Douglas and Tim Roth, not you,” says Bob.
“It’s OK, Bob. I was just plain hyper-sensitive,” says Vince.
Bob invites Vince to join him, Zahid, Ruben Studdard, Clay Aiken and Justin Guarini in the Italian restaurant of the hotel, but Vince says he is expecting some visitors and might not be able to go to the restaurant.
The visitors later turn up in Vince’s bedroom. They are Kelly, Fantasia, Linda, Jaclyn and Mas.
Vince tells them: “I really was moved by William Hung’s performance. For the first time in my life, Hung made me cry. He was great.”
Jaclyn says: “It’s OK to shed tears once in a while, Vincey.” She hugs Vince tightly. Kelly, Fantasia, Linda and Mas also hug Vince.
“Thanks for supporting me, Kelly, Fantasia, Linda, Jaclyn and Mas,” says Vince.
“Anytime you need us, Vince,” says Kelly. “As I said, we are Vincey’s Angels.”
Rueben (Burn) Thevandran appears in Vince’s room.
“Anybody for Italian cuisine?” he asks.
Mas looks at Rueben and smiles. “Kenyang dah (sorry, we are full),” she says.
Novel 6 - IF @ Sutera Harbour Bersama William Hung
Saipul Bakeri berada di bilik hotelnya bersama Nemo, kucing sakti milik Khai.
Hotel tempat tinggal Saipul ialah Sutera Harbour Resort Hotel di Kota Kinabalu.
Kesemua 12 member AF1 dan 12 member AF2 serta 12 finalis MI akan berkonsert bersama di hotel ini pada keesokan harinya.
Saipul menyuruh Nemo membawanya ke tempat yang disukai oleh kucing itu.
Dengan serta-merta, Saipul dibawa oleh Nemo ke puncak Gunung Serapi di barat bandaraya Kuching, iaitu kampungnya.
Saipul berkata: “Ini mesti tempat tinggal Puteri Sejinjang.”
Dengan serta-merta, Nurul Hamid muncul. Dia adalah kakak angkat Saipul yang juga berasal dari bandaraya Kuching. Nurul digelar Puteri Sejinjang oleh rakannya dari AF dan MI.
“Apa kak buat di sini?” tanya Saipul.
“Kak pun tak tahu, Saipul. Nemo bawa kak kat sini bila kak sentuhnya tadi. Ayuh, marilah kita jumpa Farah di Gunung Santubong,” kata Nurul.
Dengan serta-merta, Nemo membawa Saipul dan Nurul ke Gunung Santubong di timur Kuching.
“Hoi! Apa U buat ni, Saipul. Jangan intip kak,” kata Farah.
Farah digelar Puteri Santubong oleh rakannya dari AF dan MI.
Santubong and Sejinjang adalah dewi dalam mitos Melayu Brunei di zaman Hindu. Mereka adalah penjaga Gunung Serapi dan Gunung Santubong dalam mitos Melayu Brunei. Nurul memberitahu Farah: “Nemo bawa kamek ke sini.”
Farah berkata: “Nemo bawa aku ke sini juga. Mungkin Nemo boleh bawa kita orang ke tempat istirehatnya di luar negara.”
Saipul mulai berasa takut. “No way,” katanya.
Nurul dan Farah memegang tangan Saipul. Farah membelai Nemo.
Mereka berempat terus muncul di Gunung Kuning (Huangshan) di Anhui, China.
Di Huangshan, Nurul, Farah dan Saipul muncul di atas puncaknya yang kedua tertinggi iaitu Brightness Peak (Puncak Gemilang Cahaya ialah namanya dalam Bahasa Malaysia yang diberikan oleh Farah sempena lagu “Menuju Puncak” iaitu lagu tema Akademi Fantasia).
Puncak Gemilang Cahaya itu 1680 meter tingginya.
“Hebatnya. Ini satu mimpi yang menjadi realiti,” kata Nurul.
“Ini betul-betul macam saya masuk sebuah lukisan,” kata Farah.
“Sejuknya. Tapi sungguh indah pemandangannya,” kata Saipul.
Nurul memicit hidung Saipul. “Adik kamek ni berdarah,” katanya.
Farah memberitahu Saipul: “Saipul, perubahan iklim ni betul-betul mengganggu kamu. Ayuh, mari kita pergi ke hutan pain di bawah tu. Ia lebih panas iklimnya.”
Nemo membawa Farah, Nurul dan Saipul ke hutan pain.
Kebetulannya, Fitri Zainal Abidin dan Anding Zaini sedang bersiar-siar di hutan pain.
Fitri berkata: “Anding, mungkin kau boleh buat home video di sini.”
Anding menjawab: “Not this time. Saya nak relaks hari ni.”
Mereka berjumpa Nurul, Saipul dan Farah.
Fitri berkata: “Kesian Saipul. Iklim ni terlalu sejuk untuknya. Buatkan dia panas, Farah dan Nurul.”
“Kami memang sedang memanaskannya,” kata Farah. Nurul dan Farah mengusap badan Saipul. Nurul masih memicit hidung Saipul kuat-kuat.
Adi Fashla Juraimi dan Sahri Sarip muncul di hutan pain. Tak lama kemudian, Zarina Zainoordin dan Edlin Rahim muncul, diikuti oleh Azza Suaymi dan Atie Abu Bakar.
Zarina berkata: “Relax, Saipul. Jangan bimbang. Santubong dan Sejinjang akan jaga kamu.”
Edlin berkata: “Maksudnya, Nurul dan Farah menyayangi kamu, Saipul, dan mereka akan sentiasa menjaga Saipul.”
Fitri berkata: “Aku sungguh gembira melawat China tahun ni kerana tahun ni adalah ulang tahun ke-600 hubungan diplomatik antara Malaysia dan China.”
Anding berkata: “Ya, orang Melayu dan China berasal dari titik yang sama iaitu Pergunungan Himalaya di Tibet yang juga punca Sungai Yangzi.”
Anak jati Melaka, iaitu Sahri dan Edlin memberitahu Fitri bahawa hubungan diplomatik Malaysia-China sebenarnya lebih daripada 600 tahun lamanya.
“Nombor 600 itu hanyalah untuk mengenang kedatangan misi pertama Maharaja China ke negeri Melaka. Empayar Melayu dan China sebenarnya sudahpun bersahabat baik lama sebelum Melaka dibuka,” kata Sahri.
Anding yang berketurunan Melanau berkata: “Nurul dan Saipul punya nenek moyang adalah pengeksport sarang burung terbesar ke China pada zaman dulu.
“Brunei adalah pengeksport sarang burung utama ke negara China.”
Nurul berkata: “Mungkin nenek moyang Anding mengeksport sagu ke negara China.”
Anding menjawab: “Memang betul, Nurul. Itulah sebabnya orang China akhirnya berhijrah ke Sarawak. Kawan kita dari The Malay Mail iaitu John Tiong adalah berketurunan orang Fujian yang berhijrah ke Sibu, pusat industri sagu.”
Saipul muncul kembali di hotelnya dan berdiri di luar biliknya.
Nurul baru sahaja melepaskan hidung Saipul dari cengkamannya.
Saipul mengambil kunci berbentuk kad dari sakunya untuk membuka pintu biliknya.
Nurul, Farah, Fitri, Anding, Sahri, Adi Fashla, Azza, Atie, Edlin, Zarina, Nija Tahar dan Liza Ismail berdiri bersamanya.
“Drat! Tanganku sudah beku,” kata Saipul.
“Aku tak boleh buka pintu!”
“Relax, Saipul,” kata Nurul.
Nurul, Farah, Azza, Atie, Edlin, Zarina, Nija dan Liza mengusap belakang badan Saipul untuk menenangkannya.
Saipul berjaya membuka pintu biliknya.
“Bolehkah kami masuk?” kata Nija secara lawak.
“Nija!” kata Liza.
“No way, folks. Hanya Nemo boleh masuk,” kata Saipul.
“See you later, folks.”
Di bilik yang lain, Fahmy Zakaria dan Fazly Zainal memandang keluar dari tingkap untuk melihat kolam renang di tingkat bawah.
Mereka melihat Fauziah Latiff (Kak Jee) yang sedang berenang.
“Wow!” kata Fahmy kepada Fazly. “Bestnya!”
Fazly berkata: “She’s got an itsy bitsy, teeny weeny, yellow polka dot bikini.”
Fahmy berkata: “No lah!”
Azizi Mohamad mengetuk pintu Fahmy dan Fazly.
Fazly membuka pintu.
Azizi berkata: “OK, the show is over. Marilah kita turun untuk berjumpa Kak Jee. Sebelum itu, mari kita jumpa Vick, Victor, Andrew, Zamil, Fitri, Anding, Adi Fashla dan Sahri di jacuzzi dan spa.”
Azizi, Fahmy dan Fazly pun menemani Vick Teo, Andrew Tan, Zamil Idris, Victor Lee, Fitri, Anding, Adi Fashla dan Sahri dalam bilik jacuzzi.
“Inilah mandian yang paling hebat saya pernah alami,” kata Azizi.
“Too bad saya punya ais krim butterscotch tak dapat menemani kita.”
Fauziah Latiff keluar dari bilik salinan dan duduk di sebuah meja berdekatan dengan kolam renang.
Bersamanya ialah Khairul Nizam Wahi (Khai), Nemo, Jasmine Trias, Diana DeGarmo, Nicole McKibbin dan Kimberley Locke.
Nemo duduk di atas paha Khai. Tak lama kemudian, Nemo melompat ke atas paha Diana.
Diana memulangkan Nemo kepada Khai. Khai memberikan Nemo kepada Jasmine, Nicole, Kimberley dan Fauziah.
Kak Jee menasihati Khai supaya jangan terpengaruh oleh gosip media. Katanya: “Di negara Barat, gosipnya jauh lebih dahsyat daripada gosip di sini.”
Kak Jee juga menasihati Khai supaya jangan bermasam muka dan sentiasa senyum di depan kamera.
Kak Jee bertanya kepada Jasmine macam mana sikap Khai di depan member American Idol. Jasmine berkata bahawa Khai adalah seorang yang baik hati, jujur, mesra dan peramah, tetapi dia harus bersikap lebih berani.
Diana mengejek Khai, dan mengatakan bahawa Khai seorang “flirt”. Jasmine menyuruh Diana diam.
Jasmine dan Diana mengurut belakang badan Khai. Kak Jee memegang tangan Khai, dan memberitahunya bahawa Khai akan sentiasa mendapat sokongan moralnya.
Zahid Baharuddin, Dina Nadzir dan Rosma Sidik sedang menikmati minuman air tebu di restoran Sugar Bun di Beach Street, Kota Kinabalu.
Tempat ini adalah tempat sembang popular IF.
Nemo muncul, dan Rosma mengangkatnya. Rosma bertanya kepada Nemo ke mana perginya Khai, sambil membelai bulu Nemo.
Rosma dengan serta-merta melihat Khai sedang bersembang dengan Jasmine, Diana, Nicole, Kimberley dan Fauziah.
“Macam mana Khai, Rosma?” tanya Zahid.
“Khai dijaga oleh orang Hawaii dan Mexico,” jawab Rosma, sambil tersenyum.
Zahid juga tersenyum. Katanya: “I knew it. Jas dan Di selalu bersembang dengannya.”
Zahid menunjukkan kepada Dina teddy bearnya yang berwarna oren, dengan tag Akademi Fantasia diikat pada lehernya.
Dina menunjukkan kepada Zahid teddy bearnya yang berwarna hijau, dengan tag Malaysian Idol diikat pada lehernya.
Mereka bertanya kepada Rosma, apakah warna teddy bearnya.
Rosma menjawab: “Saya suka teddy bear warna coklat dan juga panda bear hitam-putih. Hitam-putih itu warna negeri Pahang, tempat asal saya.
“Zahid, saya rasa U suka jus oren. Dina, saya rasa U suka jus alfalfa hijau.”
“Memang betul,” kata Zahid.
“Tepat sekali,” kata Dina.
Zahid bertanya kepada Rosma: “Mana dia si Bob? Zahid tak nampak dia hari ni.”
Rosma menjawab: “Dia sedang berenang bersama Burn.”
Bob Usop dan Burn Thevandran memasuki lif setelah habis berenang. Mereka menuju ke bilik Vince Chong. Vince yang sedang melayari Internet berjumpa dengan Burn dan Bob di pintunya. Bob dan Burn memberikan sebuah CD Don McLean kepada Vince.
Bob berkata: “Vince, lagu berjudul “Vincent” adalah khas untukmu.”
“Thanks, Bob. Thanks, Burn,” kata Vince. “I’ll meet you guys at dinner later. I don’t feel too well right now.”
Burn memberitahu Vince bahawa peserta American Idol William Hung, Camile Velasco, Tamyra Gray, Latoya London dan Jennifer Hudson, serta Australian Idol Guy Sebastian, akan bersama mereka apabila makan malam di restoran hotel nanti.
Mereka juga akan berjumpa dengan hos MI, Soo Kui Jien (Jien) dan Aleya Yahya, serta hos AF Aznil Nawawi.
Di restoran Jepun Beach Street, Adam Mohamad Saman, Nikki Palikat, Rydee Rahim, Kaer Azami, Nana Mahazan dan Sufiah Mohamad Noor sedang minum di sebuah meja besar.
Adam memberitahu kawannya bahawa dia mempunyai seorang adik bernama Kaer Mohamad Saman.
Kaer mengajak Adam menyertai kuiz hiburan “Filusic” di 8TV.
Adam berkata: “No way, Kaer. Adam tak pandai dalam kuiz berbentuk hiburan.”
Nikki dan Rydee mengurut belakang badan Adam untuk menenangkannya. Nikki memberitahu Kaer: “Adam ni takut. Jika kami bertiga masuk Filusic, Adam sure boleh kalahkan Rydee dan saya.”
Nana berkata: “Kaer pun sama juga. Semasa saya bersamanya dan Sufiah di Filusic, Kaer ni amat takut dan panik.”
Sufiah berkata: “Saya dan Nana kena urut belakang badannya untuk tenangkannya.
“Tetapi apabila sampai Second Round, Kaer mulai konfiden dan menjawab soalan dengan agresifnya, sampai menang.”
Kaer berkata: “Saya telah memenangi T-shirt William Hung yang mempunyai mesej “I Have No Professional Training”.”
Adam bertanya: “Di mana T-shirt tu?”
Kaer menjawab: “Di rumahlah.”
Adam memberitahu Kaer bahawa mereka akan berjumpa William Hung beberapa jam kemudian.
Pasangan saudara kembar glamour dari Brunei, Paula Malai Ali dan Jenny Malai Ali berjumpa dengan Kaer, Adam, Nikki, Rydee, Sufiah dan Nana. Jenny iaitu hos “Filusic” berkata: “Relax, Kaer. U R doing great.”
Paula dan Jenny memegang tangan Kaer. “Take care of him, Sufiah and Nana,” kata Jenny dan Paula.
Nana memperkenalkan Jenny dan Paula kepada Adam, Nikki dan Rydee.
Nana berkata: “Mungkin Jenny boleh mengajak Nikki, Rydee dan Adam masuk pertandingan Filusic.”
Rydee berkata: “Sejarah akan berulang, Jenny. Adam ni panik sangat.”
Adam berkata: “No! Adam tak panik lah.”
“Cool it,” kata Nikki, memegang tangan Adam. Rydee pun memegang tangan Adam.
Paula bertanya kepada Nana: “How is Mr Zainal Alam Kadir?”
Nana menjawab: “Kaer dan saya menyanyi bersamanya baru-baru ini. Dia tu penuh dengan surprise.”
Kaer berkata: “Ya, saya berduet dengan Zainal Alam Kadir, dan saya tak panik. Dia tu hebat.”
Mereka berlapan kemudiannya berposing untuk gambar di Beach Street sebelum pulang ke hotel.
Nikki dan Rydee memuji Kaer kerana kebolehannya menenangkan Diana DeGarmo dan Kelly Clarkson dengan hanya muncul di depan mereka.
Pada keesokan harinya, member AF dan MI berkonsert di Sutera Harbour Resort.
VIP yang hadir di konsert itu ialah Ketua Menteri Sabah Datuk Seri Musa Aman, dan Timbalan Ketua Menteri, Datuk Seri Joseph Pairin Kitingan, yang berasal dari Tambunan, kampung asal
keluarga Nikki Palikat.
Kak Jee pun hadir di konsert itu dan duduk bersama pengkritik AF serta boss ERA FM, Kudsia Kahar.
Aznil, Aleya dan Jien menjadi hos konsert.
William Hung menyanyikan lagu popular Allahyarham Sudirman Arshad berjudul “A Thousand Million Smiles”.
Kudsia dan Gee amat terharu mendengar nyanyian William.
Walaupun William selalunya “out of tune”, kali ini dia berjaya menyanyikan lagu dengan sempurna.
Latoya, Jennifer, Camile, Tamyra dan Guy juga muncul di atas pentas.
Aznil berkata kepada Jien dan Aleya: “Kemunculan AI pada petang ini adalah “kejutan” terbesar untuk semua peminat AF dan MI.”
Selepas konsert, Musa dan Pairin berjabat tangan dengan kesemua peserta AF, AI dan MI.
Selepas konsert, penyanyi AF, MI dan AI makan malam bersama Kudsia, Kak Jee dan hos rancangan dekat kolam renang hotel.
Kelly dan Fantasia memberitahu Velasco, Hung, Gray, London dan Hudson pasal Vince. Guy berkata bahawa keluarganya mengenali Burn.
Trias dan DeGarmo memperkenalkan Khai dan Nemo kepada Velasco.
Hung berjabat tangan dengan Adam, dan memberitahunya bahawa dia juga seorang peminat jus kerot.
Gray, London dan Hudson berkata bahawa Vince amat romantik. Mereka memeluk Vince.
Velasco juga memeluk Khai.
“The pussycat king is a magnet for the Manila ladies,” kata Diana.
“No, Di. Khai, Camile and I were hatched from the same nest,” kata Jasmine.
Di bilik tidur Vince, Bob meminta maaf kepada Vince.
Dia berkata lagu itu tak sepatutnya ditujukan kepada Vince, tetapi kepada Kirk Douglas dan Tim Roth, kedua-duanya pelakon Amerika yang berlakon sebagai Vincent Van Gogh.
“Bob, it’s OK. I guess I was just plain hyper-sensitive,” kata Vince.
Bob mengajak Vince untuk makan bersamanya, Zahid, Ruben Studdard, Clay Aiken dan Justin Guarini di restoran Itali hotel itu, tetapi Vince berkata bahawa dia berasa amat letih.
Tak lama kemudian, Kelly, Fantasia, Linda, Jaclyn dan Mas muncul di bilik Vince.
Vince berkata: “William betul-betul buatkan saya menangis dengan lagu Sudirman yang dinyanyikannya tadi. Dia tu memang hebat.”
Jaclyn berkata: “Kadangkala, adalah baik untuk menitiskan air mata.” Jaclyn memeluk Vince. Fantasia, Kelly, Linda dan Mas juga memeluk Vince.
“Terima kasih kerana banyak menyokong saya,” kata Vince kepada mereka.
Kelly berkata: “Anytime U need us, Vince. We R Vincey’s Angels.”
Burn muncul di bilik Vince.
“Anybody for Italian food?” katanya.
Mas tersenyum dan berkata: “Kenyang dah.”